Thursday, October 1, 2009

Math(s) can be fun too

Day Eight of 'The Daily Post'.

Here's a little light relief for those of you struggling with your children's maths homework (you know who you are).

1) First find a calculator
2) Key in the first 3 digits of your phone number (forget the area code)

Ah, it's based on a US phone number, so for those of you reading this in the UK, or - who knows? - some far-flung exotic location, find a seven digit number, and for convenience, separate it into a group of 3 and 4 digits (if your birthday was May 13th 1965, you could use 135 1965 for example).

3) Multipy by 80
4) Add 1
5) Multiply by 250
6) Add the last 4 digits of your phone number
7) Add the last 4 digits of your phone number again
8) Subtract 250
9) Divide by 2.

Ta daa!



  1. What's the answer? I got 69907
    much love Martine

  2. Cool! It took me two times, but it worked!

  3. Very cute. Although being the dork that I am, I had to figure out why it worked.

  4. Can't face doing it, don't know where the calculator is - and I got an 'A' at Maths A-Level.... proof perhaps that I've slid a long way down the academic slope since I was 18.

  5. Ok, so I tried it, a couple of times, can't get it to work. That A grade is staring at me in despair.

  6. NFAH YOU HAVE TO TELL!!!!!!! In terms that we mere lawyers, classicists, linguists etc can understand!


  7. Oooh. That's a bit spooky. I want to know who the saddo was who sat around and worked that all out.
