Saturday, October 10, 2009

Paul's house: take two

Day 17 of 'The Daily Post'.

Since I discovered the 'if you can type, you can make movies' website, we've been entertaining ourselves with it. It's quite fun when your kids get to the age when they are able to do this kind of thing with you, rather than building train tracks (though I do miss the train tracks). It's a little humiliating, because they are so much more adept at the technical stuff, but once you've got over that, you can have some laughs. And there's less to tidy up at the end of the afternoon.

The boys also enjoyed browsing Youtube with me (it's out of bounds for them on their own) for remixes of the 'Poo at Paul's' Glade advertisement.

12-yo has masterfully combined the two, and made his own movie version of Poo at Paul's. Here it is (and it's only 27 seconds).


  1. I was not expecting the fart! Excellent! Any joke with a fart in it is a good joke.

    I want to make a movie, too. Working on the script. You're starting a trend.

  2. You have a raw but definite talent there. Hahaha. Thanks for the laugh. Off to bed now, dreaming of poos at Paul's.
