Tuesday, October 6, 2009

An American in England: the Director's cut

Day 13 of 'The Daily Post'.

I thoroughly enjoyed Calif Lorna's short movie. She's an English woman living in California, and the movie shows her asking for a glass of water, and getting lots of cliches along the way.

At the end of the clip, it says "If you can type, you can make movies". I can indeed type, thought I, so off I went to the movie-making website, and had a jolly time.

I thought I'd try a little empathising, so my movie is about what I imagine it's like to be an American in England. The English woman comes across as rather aggressive - I intended her to be conversational. I'll have to scrap her and get a more empathetic actress next time.

US expats, have you had conversations like this?


  1. I love it! You're so funny! "I didn't vote for him!"

  2. I have had conversations very similar to that very one. Funny and sad at the same time!

  3. I'm on the floor rolling! It is a similar conversation to that which I've had a few times overseas. I think I'm going to have to get used to restraining myself from saying "Have a nice day" or "have a nice evening" when I arrive in England in a couple of months. It just seems to natural and a kind way to end the conversation!

  4. OMG - you should post it on You Tube. I love how she kept having a go at him. Sounded like they were both hiccuping though!

  5. Very good. I want to post it to my American friends, but not sure if they will think I am having a go! ha ha ha.
    Big Beluga

  6. Very funny. I feel bad for the little American doll. Poor guy.

  7. Brilliant. Can we use it on the expatmums blog? x

  8. Almost everyday I feel required to apologize for the behavior of George Bush...I feel like shouting, " I didn't bloody well vote for the man..do not hold me accountable!"

    One thing I've noticed right from the beginning is the way people here in the UK will always ask me if I'm Canadian. It seems that folks from Canada get a bit feisty if someone confuses one for the other whereas an American doesn't seem to mind. At least that's how several Brits explained it to me when I finally asked why the question was always presented in such a way.

  9. Brilliant! And yes, I do sometimes feel as though the locals personally hold me responsible for all they hate about the US.

  10. That is so funny! I love how she puts her hands on her hips when she says 'George Bush!'

    We've had lots of conversations like this in England when my poor American husband had to sit and take the blame for George Bush.

    So glad you made it!

  11. Yes I took the blame too!

    So much better with Obama.

  12. This was sooo funny! I enjoyed it immensely, thank you!

  13. HI Iota,
    we have posted it on Shes Not From Yorkshire so our readers can see it too! Fantastic dialogue!!
