Sunday, October 18, 2009


I love conversations with five year olds. This one was prompted by me emerging from the shower.

5-yo: Mama, ladies who have had babies don’t look so good in bikinis as ladies who haven’t had babies, do they?

Me: That's true, they don't.

5-yo: Why don't they?

Me: Well, their tummies get stretched by the baby growing inside. [Pause, but 5-yo seemed to expect more] I suppose different things seem important at different stages of your life. And I suppose you have to make decisions about what you want to do. For me, having children was much more fun than looking good in a bikini [which I don't think I ever did anyway. Ed.] What do you think?

5-yo: [confidently] I’m going to do both.

Me: Well, perhaps you'll be one of the lucky ones. There are some...

But I said that to her departing back, as she was already skipping away to whatever had next caught her five year old interest.


  1. Hilarious! I hope she doesntfind adopt of US magazine with Kate gosslin in her bikini on the cover or you'll have to start explaining cosmetic surgery!

  2. So funny.
    I still wear a bikini, but look a little bit better now then I did the year before I got pregnant.
    I just wrote a 6-yo conversation post.
    Children say the funniest of things.
    x jo

  3. They light upon ideas like Butterfiles don't they?

  4. I can relate to this conversation! This was cute.

  5. V funny. Where do they get these things from?

    (I wonder if Liz Hurley said the same thing at age five?)

  6. That is hilarious. I want to do both, too. (It's always good to have some aspirations...)
