Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Interlude

I was going to write about our garage sale, but instead I thought I'd offer you these thoughts on Easter. They are by 6-yo (for 5-yo is no more; she had a birthday last week). She sat down at the computer and decided she wanted to learn to type. So I taught her the shift key, the space bar, the backspace, and the enter key, and left her to it. This is what she wrote:

The Easter Bunny bings eggs

It is difrint culrz

Thau can be yellow or thau can be pink;

The Easte Bunny is white;

Happy Easter;

And echoing 6-yo, may I wish you all a very Happy Easter.



  1. Same to you. My 6 year old was up at 3am because a) he couldn't tell whether it was morning (dark?), and b) thought it was Easter Sunday. I had to remind him that Easter wasn't quite like Xmas in the giving department, but he's so deprived of chocolate, it really is like Xmas, and he'll be at his grandparents so he will be well and truly ruined!
    Happy Easter.

  2. That was absolutely brilliant.
    My 5yo granddaughter is heavily into writing too!
    Isn't it a wonderful age? I have my 4 grandchildren here until Tuesday.

    Have a Happy Easter.

    Nuts in May

  3. That is so, so sweet!
    Culrz is such a wonderful way to spell that word!
    Happy Easter to you and family!

  4. Ah bless! And a very Happy Easter to you too. That gives me an idea. I wonder what my six-year-old would say if I allowed her to guest post. Now there's a thought!

  5. The Easter bunny binges on eggs? That's why there are non left for me! Happy Easter. Hope the weather was nice and you went all out for an egg hunt.

    PS: Thanks for your comments! And thanks for warning me re liability. I just think in this case there's nothing to worry about, as I am not relying on sources that I can't influence. It's what I have experienced myself, and I'd be happy to stand up for my word any time. :)
