Sunday, September 27, 2009

An unusual childhood complaint

Day Four of 'The Daily Post'.

There is a place here which is a favourite for kids' parties. There are lots of games where they earn tickets, and then they trade in the tickets for small prizes. It's like Chuck E Cheese's, without the mouse.

8-yo went to a party there yesterday. As we were setting off, he was desperately looking for a collection of tickets which he earned last time he went. That time, over a year ago, he spotted an electric guitar and decided he would save his tickets, until he had enough saved up for it. Now, a year older, he has worked out that if you earn around a hundred tickets each time, and the guitar is priced at several thousand, it's not a goal you're easily going to reach. Plus we have a kind babysitter who has an old electric guitar she doesn't want any more, and she is going to give it to him.

He couldn't find the tickets anywhere, and eventually had to leave without them. After the party he told me

"I'm really annoyed I can't find them, because I thought I was being smart. I looked them out the night before, and I put them in a safe place, and now I can't remember where that is."

My child has a touch of Mommy-brain.



  1. I have quite a lot of "safe places" and I can never find things because of them.

  2. Yep, I have a load of safe places too but it's comforting to know that Mommy Brain affects people of all ages! :)

  3. Well, I suppose at least he was able to find them the night before. True mommy brain would probably mean he wouldn't have been able to find them in the first place...

  4. I have terrible mummy/mommy brain all the time, to the point that I walk into a room and can't remember what I went in for. Then I remember when I get back downstairs, grrr!
