Wednesday, June 5, 2013

You really shouldn't blog when you've had a glass of wine and it's late

I've had a glass of wine. It's late.

I've got to wait up because eldest son needs a cricket top tomorrow which was in the laundry basket (actually, it wasn't in the laundry basket, it was draped over the back of the sofa - hadn't even made it to the bedroom floordrobe). So the top is in the washing machine, and I haven't put it on a wash cycle, because even the shortest wash cycle is long. It's on a "rinse only" cycle, with a bit of powder thrown in. Enough to get the garment clean and fresh-smelling, but not too much, because it's not a proper wash cycle, so it won't get rinsed out properly. Do you think that will work? I've never tried it before. I mean, I could have hand-washed the item, which would have taken 5 minutes, but frankly, hand-washing isn't for me any more.

I've really gone off blogging. I've just read the BiB short lists, and I know hardly any of the blogs. It's never been important to me to keep up with the top bloggers for the sake of it, but I spend quite a bit of time moseying around on screen, and it would be nice to recognise a few more names. I mean, who ARE all these zillions of new bloggers? I bet they're really good, but who has time to read them? I'd need a few research assistants if I was to keep up with blogging these days. An intern! That's what I need. A personal blogging intern! You don't have to pay interns, do you? Ideal.

Where do you advertise for a blogging intern?

Blogging, schmogging.

I've written a post about a really important issue. Education. I've got lots to say about it. And I want to say it. But it all came out wrong, and it just sounds like a huge guilt trip about my own children and being a rubbish parent. So what does that mean? That really I feel guilty about being a rubbish parent? Or that I have some things I'd like to say about education that are really sharp and pertinent, and I can insightfully and appositely illustrate them from my own experience. I can't be bothered to think about it.

The best thing about blogging this week was a post called Feckity Arse Biscuits, which - double whammy! - didn't even mention biscuits. Kudos to you, Not from Lapland. I also love the way you've changed from 'Notes from Lapland', to 'Not from Lapland'. Genius. I used to be 'Not wrong, just different'. Maybe I should have changed to 'Not Not wrong, and not very different either'.

I don't like Bloglovin. I don't like the title. Notlovin Bloglovin. I don't like the title, and I don't like the service. Why is Google closing down Google Reader? Not enough earning potential, I expect. Google is trying to take over the world, and no-one has noticed. Stop trying to take over the world, Google. But if you must, at least do the decent thing and pay your taxes in our little corner of it.

I also don't like my Hotpoint washing machine, but I bet Hotpoint pays taxes. I wonder if that cricket top is ready yet. Why did I even wash it? I should just have made him wear it all stinky. He's a teenager. It goes with the territory.

Well, read this post quickly, because I'm probably going to delete it. But comment before you do so, because unless I get at least 6 comments in the next 24 hours, I'm going to give up blogging for ever. Yes, I know that's manipulative, but I don't care.

Did anyone ever discover what IS the point of blogging? It used to feel fun and vaguely worthwhile, in a nebulous sort of a way, and now it just feels... bleurgh. Maybe bleurghing is the new blogging.

You know what they say. Never write and publish a blog post when you've had a glass of wine and it's late. Ha! What about if you're feeling rebellious? What then?

                                                                                                                                   Photo credit: I'm not telling you


  1. I don't know if I like blogging anymore, it feels all weird - like a top that's shrunk in the wash. It used to fit right but now it's all gone to cock. I feel old - who are all these new people, what happened top the old ones that I knew and loved?

  2. Maybe we could start OIB, the Old In Blogging awards and we could all sit around grouching and moaning about the yoofs of today? We could have categories for grumpiest, least down wid da kiz and blogger that knows the least people in the BiB's etc. Twould be ace

  3. I don't know why you washed that top either. You're clearly becoming too much of a push over in your old age.

  4. What the hell is bloglovin? Sounds like a hippy blog movement. Is it like Britmums but where the bloggers all sit around hugging each other and saying things like 'far out man'?

  5. There never was a point to blogging, I don't think. It was just about shouting out into the void and then getting excited because someone noticed you and gave enough of a shit about what you were saying to be nice and comment. Now it's all about sponsorship and corporate and blurgh. I can hardly complain, I've taken the corporate shilling. It was still better before tho.

  6. Does six comments all from the sale person count? Also, I think you should do another vlog. That one of you making a - was it juice - only showing your hands was hilarious.

  7. Don't stop. I 'd miss you.

  8. Ask. Just wrote a really witty comment, and then because I'm using feedly instead of Google reader in preparation, I ended up losing the lot.

    Anyway. Gist was most blogging with a glass of wine please. Love it.

    (You won't know me, but I was reading you back when you did know everyone. And after 25 million changes of identity I've given up on the whole blogging lark. But I need you lot to keep it up!!)

  9. Ask? Tsk. That should have said ack. Ack.

  10. Yes, please don't stop, Iota! I don't agree with every single one of your viewpoints, but I agree with most of them, and you always come across as charming and intelligent!

    I get a little disillusioned with blogging myself sometimes. For me though, it's like with Expat Mum, I can get dispirited when criticised by commenters who've obviously either not read what I posted, or they clearly have no experience of the subject matter - genuine differing points of view are to be welcomed, of course! :-)

    1. (Your commenters always seem very nice, by the way! lol)

  11. Another one to plea: No, don't stop blogging, Iota. Some of your posts make me laugh, others give me food for thought. And in the end, blogging is not about amassing followers on twitter or bloglovin, it's a more of public personal affair with your keyboard!

  12. I hope you don't give up, but if you do you'll be missed.
    And please, more blogging after a glass of wine. Thanks for the smile this post gave me. :)

  13. You blog for your own sake and no one else's, to look back when you reread your own posts and smile about what you got excited about. You are a funny and wise woman. Don't let it go to waste. The wine helps.

  14. A very lovely whitter from the slightly pissed Iota. I love that! (Do we know the spelling - witter/whitter?)
    And I was going to say How much has Lapland had, but she was obviously just making sure you had the 6 comments (hic).
    Don't stop blogging Iota, your posts are always funny, erudite, pensive (Ooh, I'm beginning to sound lihe that old geezer who introduced "The Good Old Days". Remember him?)

    1. I remember that geezer. (It was filmed at Leeds City Varieties. I miss those old theatres. Nothing like that here in Florida.)

  15. I too used to love blogging and then got a bit over it. I've noticed that the majority of blogs that I loved to read a few years ago have one by one trickled away. Some of them are still going strong, but they are few and far between. I think Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Pinterset have taken over as it's a lot quicker and responsive. (I just don't know where people get the time to do all of them!)
    Anyway, don't give up. I might not read as often as I did or would like, but I still really enjoy your writing.

  16. I don't have a point to my blog. Well I do I suppose, it's instead of keeping a diary. I suppose it is a diary in that case, just not one in book with a lock. I don't write by hand much any more, who does?

    You don't need to have a point to a blog imo. It's just there to be written if you feel like it and not if you don't. With automatic updates we all know when our favourite bloggers have posted so it's not like it's an effort. And the feedback is nice. :)

  17. Blog. Obv. If only for me. :-) Makes me realise there are still intelligent lovely people in the world and that one of them is you, and you are my friend so I feel better about life. Public service blogging.
    J'ph xxx

  18. Oh flippity flippity flip I lost my fabulous comment. You'll just have to take my word for it that it was fabulous and would totally inspire you to keep blogging. So, umm keep blogging okay?

  19. Best post ever. I loved this. Drink more wine. I love thoughts that just flow. Like these did. And don't stop blogging.

  20. I am late - argh, but I see you haven't given up yet. Fab! For the record, I only blog when drunk. Mostly. And I bleurgh much more than I blog, too. xx

  21. I absolutely love this post. Please don't stop. And I'm new to this blogging malarchy, but it's people like you and the lovely isthereaplanB who write the stuff that I actually want to read. So there. Anyway, you've had 23 comments now so you can't possibly give up!

  22. Are you in my head?. Could have, should have, written this myself, but it would have come out all wrong... And that carrot crush lady knows me, so she has to say nice things about me, but she doesn't you....
