Saturday, November 24, 2012

It's my birthday

... and I'll blog if I want to, blog if I want to, blog if I want to,
You would blog too, if it happened to you.

Or maybe not.

Anyway, it is my birthday.

Because my birthday is on the 24th, I always looked forward to being 24. I thought it would be significant in some way to be 24 on the 24th. When it came to it, I don't think it did feel very significant. Two decades of expectation, and then nothing special. Ah well.

I'm 48 today. As I was walking along, yesterday, pondering, as you do, when you walk along, on the day before your birthday, it occurred to me that 48 is twice 24, and that therefore this birthday is doubly special.

I have to make the most of these significant birthdays. The next one will be 72, and then 96, and then that will probably be it for significant birthdays of this kind.



  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! My favorite number is nine, so I went out on 09/09/2009 and bought a lottery ticket. I felt there was no way I couldn't win the jackpot, and to my shock, I didn't! Coming up is 12/12/12 - the last run of numbers in my lifetime. Perhaps I will buy another lottery ticket :)

    Hope your day is extra special! XOL

  2. Happy Birthday. Have a very special day.

  3. Happy Birthday Iota - hope you have a wonderful day!

  4. Happy Birthday Iota. Hope you have had a great day. x

  5. Happy Birthday. I think all Birthdays are significant!
    Maggie X

    Nuts in May

  6. Happy Birthday! And: *gasp*!! 48? You are seriously 48? I'd given you 38, maybe 39, but not a single day more.

  7. Happy Birthday - you deserve to have a fantastic day x

  8. Happy Birthday! I thought turning 21 was a big deal although I was already married and had two children. 38 Was another significant birthday and the one when I became liberated in the truest form. I just turned 58 and really feel that I am an adult now although I am still young at heart. I will never truly be an old person. When I am 69, I want to have my shit together as fine as an artform. I will be a force to be reckoned with. xox

  9. Happy Birthday - your first one since moving back to the UK, right? Hope #48 is twice as wonderful as #24 was. Oh, and if the new puppy's not already housebroken (fingers crossed) I hope it happens soon, and you have a gloriously accident-free year!

  10. Happy Birthday!
    A wonderful way to look at it!
    My birthday is 24th also, I'm now doing "special" in 5-year increments, so 55 this year is special. I had so much fun on my 50th that I couldn't wait another 10 years for "special".
    So, enjoy your year Iota! Each day is special!

  11. Well many belated happy returns. Hope it was a good one. May the next 24 years be even more lovely

  12. Happy birthday! Hope you had a great day and here's to being 48.

  13. And I didn't know and I missed it! Hope you had a brilliant day and were spoiled rotten with unexpected presents (apart from from Hector).
