Friday, November 9, 2012

Hector is back in favour

Yesterday I took Hector for a walk round the school playing fields. As I was going home, I came across 11-yo and his class-mates, on the way back to the boys' changing room. 11-yo's face suddenly made it all worthwhile, when he saw Hector, called him, scooped him up into his arms, and showed him off to his friends. "Hector, my puppy", he crooned, to the admiration of the other boys.

He put Hector down, and I turned for home. Suddenly, Hector was disappearing in the opposite direction. He'd found a piece of orange peel, picked it up, and, suspecting (correctly) that I'd take it away from him, rushed off. Heading for the nearest hiding place, he dashed straight into the boys' changing room. He was so quick that I didn't see where he'd gone, but I knew, from the shrieks of laughter and excitement coming out of the door. 11-yo sprinted after him, there was more shrieking and hilarity, and then 11-yo emerged, Hector in his arms.

Hector. You brought mirth to the First Form, raised their spirits, and gave them a story to tell over tea. You elevated 11-yo's status among his peers. Oh, the kudos of having a puppy, and a puppy who naughtily ventured into the boys' changing room!

You can stay. (But try harder on the house training, would you?)



  1. Awww....we used to get points for our boys by bringing our Labrador puppy along to soccer/football games. He was always the rock star of the day. Nothing sweeter than a boy and his dog. Hope Hector 'gets it' soon for your sake!

  2. Awww - how sweet. Even now when the Little Guy sees the dog, he drops to his knees to hug her. She's a tad indifferent now that she's three, but she is incredibly patient with him!

  3. Oh he is soooo lovely! Ok, now I'm back to wanting one again... (I will blame you when my husband asks where I got this idea from!)

  4. Lovely. You sound really happy with him and settling into your new life. x
