Friday, August 27, 2010


I don't think any of you thought the two blog idea was a good one. That gave me pause for thought (is that the right expression? should it be "cause for thought"?). And I've decided I agree. So what I'm going to do is this. I'm going to stick with one blog, but hide the more personal posts, by an intricate technological procedure which I'll happily tell you more about if you're interested.

I'm definitely going to revamp this blog, and I might - gasp - change the title. One of the reasons this blog is losing its way a little is because now I've lived in the US for 3.5 years, it's hard to maintain the "not wrong, just different" schtick. If it's a schtick. I'm not really ever sure what a schtick is, and I certainly don't know if that's how you spell it. Where was I? Yes... the "not wrong, just different" thing depends on a certain wide-eyed "gosh, look, isn't my fridge BIG?" approach to living in America, and now I just don't have that any more. In fact, during my visit to Britain, I have to confess to crossing a few lines. More about those in another blog post, but suffice to say, you'll be hearing the Americans-in-Britain bloggers cheering "I told you so" in the background. I am guilty of the occasional trespass over to the other side. It's what they call, in diplomatic circles, "going native". So, for example, when I now look at my fridge, I don't think "oh it's huge", I think "how do those British people manage with their tiny fridges? what a pain to have to unpack and pack the whole thing every time you want half a carrot". Going native with a fridge, see?

More than that, though. Thing is, I don't actually think that at all about my fridge. I just open the door and get out the carrot while listening to Diane Rehm on NPR, batting away a troublesome child with my left hand, my right shoulder glued to my right ear with the phone in between, fobbing off a telesales person, wondering what to have for dinner and whether I like Endellion as a middle name. So perhaps "not wrong, just different" should become "just normal life now". Good stuff, but kind of a bit sad too. I liked my "not wrong, just different" cutting edge take on cultural divergence. I don't want to have to admit it's a bit blunted now. I don't think I do like Endellion, by the way. Sounds like Dandelion.

What do you think of "Midwest Midlife" as a new title? I kind of like it. Catchy, easy to remember, easy to abbreviate (MM). Might be confused as an aged fan club for Westlife though. Or possibly some kind of midwife service. And I'm not sure I really want to be known for being mid-life. It's not my USP.

How about "From Gruffalo to Buffalo"? They don't know the Gruffalo over here, so he's a singularly British icon, and the buffalo (or bison, as we're meant to call him these days) is a symbol of the Great Plains where I am. I could do a great header, with the Gruffalo holding the Union Jack on one side and a buffalo holding the Stars and Stripes on the other. Bit obscure, perhaps. Ooh, how about some title that encompasses my location (Plains) with my role (housewife) by cleverly rhyming Bison with Dyson? "Among the Bison with my Dyson". Something like that.

Anyway, you can see that my mind is working overtime on the subject. I will ponder further. "Further Ponderings Over the Pond", perhaps.

You thought I was going to run a competition to choose a new blog name, didn't you? Ha. Wrong! I'm running a competition to see if you can guess my new job! Yes. Job. Very exciting. Never let it be said I let the grass grow under my feet. Not even prairie tallgrass. Green card arrives one week; I get job the next week. Details are yet to be finalised, so I hope my next post isn't full of "it didn't work out". Meanwhile, here's a clue. If you ask your children what would be the coolest, coolest job in the world for a mom to have, that is my job. (Unless your child is a 3 year old boy, because I'm telling you now, it's not tractor-driver, train-driver, fat controller, or fire-fighter.)

Go on. Guess. (And let me know about the "cause for thought" thing too, please. I often trip up on that one.)



  1. one of my kids said being the president, but I cant see that happening too fast lol, the other kid said what about just being a mum or you could be a fire fighter lol..I have just started following your blogs (im from newcastle back home, been here since 2004, feel free to follow my blog & trasvels, never a dull moment trust me lol)
    Whatever your new job is, congrates from another Brit

  2. Whatever you new job is, Iota, I hope it involves writing ;)

  3. I'd say making ice cream would be a pretty 'cool' job...and kids love ice cream ;)
    Congratulations on the immigration status, it certainly can be a challenge.

  4. I asked my daughter and she said, "Helping animals in Africa", but I'm guessing that's not it.

  5. No idea about your new job I am afraid - dinner lady? Do they have those in the US? but I love the new names for your blog, you had me in stitches. Just found your blog and will definately be back, it is hard to find someone who makes me laugh out loud! Mich x

  6. I know, I know. Pick me! I think it might be a job I nearly got here in Albania but I cdn't do it for childcare reasons. The job was from 4-7 every evening.
    It was being a newsreader. though I'm not sure that w dbe cool, just a good thing for the game 'I've got a Secret'.
    I really like y rblog name, because, well, it's not wrong, just different. It's just that, a bit different.
    Can u think of a new name for my blog?

  7. I know -- you're going to be working in a sweetie or a toy shop? LOL I'm sure it's fabulous whatevere it is.

    PS I kinda like your blog name as it is. It's different!

  8. Hmm, my daughter would guess pastry chef! Very best of luck with the job. And I hear you on the going native. 14 years hear and I love my fridge!

  9. Why not use 'Going Native'? I'm thinking of changing mine.Again.It'll be my fourth time.I think something to do with toys would be a cool job.

  10. The boys said the coolest job a mum could have is selling sweets and getting to eat them! Erm I guess the children are fixated on sweets at the moment, as I said no to a friend offering them some before dinner the other day.

    I can not wait to see what name you come up with and I would love to be included in the technical wizardry if you will allow it

  11. I has to be a sweet or toy shop or something like! Can't wait to see what new name and look you come up with!

    Great news about the Green card!

  12. You could keep the blog name and use it for when you go over to England! Ha ha. Oh I tickled myself anyway.
    And I think it's Pause for thought, meaning you had to stop and think. Cause for thought also makes sense though.

  13. yes, it is pause for thought, as Expat Mum said.

  14. A computer *whizz kid*?
    Brilliant about your new job whatever it is.
    Don't change too much cos I like your blog. Everyone is changing their blog beyond recognition.
    Am I a right stick in the mud keeping mine as it is?
    Maggie X

    Nuts in May

  15. Love your blog and look forward to whatever your changes may be. I like "Going Native" too. I look forward to hearing what your job is.

  16. 1) I want to be privy please to your more personal posts.

    2) I cannot believe you have a job already and I am intrigued to hear more about that.

    3) I don't miss my big American frig (I lose less food in a small one) although I did smile when I read the bit about unpacking it all for half a carrot. I have to unpack all the time which can be amusing when guests from America watch the process.

  17. I was really surprised that my kids didn't respond with 'be Cheryl Cole' or 'be on tv'. Instead, we now imagine you in mobile shop selling ice cream, sweets, soft toys and girly hair accessories. No boys in this house :)
    Technical blog wizardry would be beyond me, but if you'll let me have a not too complex route to the less public posts, I'd be delighted. I'll be here anyway

  18. Can't wait to say I told you so. I'm a very confused person, I'm past going native and am a global citizen (I knew you would cringe at that).

  19. Oh my god - you're going to be a mountain rescue vet! (Didn't think there were many mountains out your way, but Boy #1 assures me that's the coolest job going so...)

  20. Okay, I just asked Widget and he said "Racing car driver".

    So there. That's your new job.

    Oh, and how about 'Life with Fridge' as your new blog title?

    Just checking.

    LCM x

  21. I started reading your blog recently and I am pleased you will be keeping it. Congrats on your new job. My youngest (of four) assures me you will be testing playground equipment because nothing is more exciting than swings, climbing bars and slides! Thanks for entertaining reads, Sunni

  22. Love from Gruffalo to Buffalo. Love.

    Can't tell you how much I miss the DRehm show on NPR. I signed up to follow her Twitter feed, but it's just not doing it for me. So sad to think it was nearly two years ago that we moved to DC. A LONG time ago now. Hope you had a good summer.

  23. Well I am pretty late to this post as I already read your recent post where you have mentioned that you are going to work in toys shop. But if I came here earlier, my suggestion to go for ice cream shop as I love ice cream an I can come to your ice cream shop ;)

  24. 1. Congratulations on the new job! [I read all the way to the following blog entry-- fun!] :)
    2. I like the blog name as it is. It suggests the balancing between cultures, and the characteristic British defiance to any different from its own.
    3. Regardless what you decide, I will keep reading. And I know I will keep enjoying.

  25. congratulations on going native! and i agree that a toy shop would be the best. better even than a chocolate shop, i think.

  26. I hadn't realized we had moved so close to the same time. I feel exactly the same way some times, my blog has drifted to being about whatever it's about because coming up on 4 years in the UK in October, the expat dramas have decreased a bit and regular life is more what it's about. That said, since I have to go through the application for indefinite leave to remain, I'm sure that will bring me some pain in the next few years.
