Friday, August 20, 2010


I don't get Twitter (sorry, I'm just weird that way).

I don't do Facebook (sorry, I like my gossip face to face).

But I DO blog. And one thing I have always loved about blogging is the way it gives a voice to the unheard. For that reason, I want to post about the three Mummy bloggers who are going to Bangladesh with Save The Children, to see first hand what it's like being a mum in a poverty-stricken country. This page tells you about them, if you want to know more. You are made of strong stuff, you three. It's not going to be a picnic, is it? Good for you. Use your voices.

I will be following their trip, but I also wanted to do something other than just read about it. This post tells you what you can do. The simplest, quickest of those is to add your name to the collection of signatures putting pressure on Nick Clegg to make child mortality and maternal health a priority at the UN Summit in September. Whatever happened to those Millennium Development Goals? I, for one, would like world leaders to know that I still mind about poverty in the world. The Press for Change App on the Save the Children Facebook page will take just two minutes of your time but collectively could make a HUGE difference. Come and add your name here.

If you're another weirdo like me, without a Facebook page, you can sign anyway (at least, I think it counted my click... it seemed to register...)



  1. I also don't twitter or do Face book but I BLOG! Yay!

    Three cheers to those gallant mothers who are doing something really useful to the third world instead of just looking at the news and tut tutting..
    And three cheers to you, Iota for posting this!
    Maggie X

    Nuts in May

  2. You are brill! I don't do either facebook much or twitter I find them way too confusing! I think I count now too...thank you!

  3. Done, Iota.
    and i echo Maggie May's cheers!

  4. I don't use Facebook either!
    It's wonderful isn't it that blogs can be put to such good use. Helping children in developing countries - who'd have thought it?

  5. I don't get twitter at all, I don't do Facebook, but I also don't have a blog, I don't have an awful lot to say that anybody would be interested in. However, I do enjoy reading other peoples blogs, and always find something interesting, whatever is being written about.
