Friday, May 14, 2010

Ode to Josephine

Not so much an ode, as an oh dear...

My friend from way back, Josephine

Is someone who sure knows a theeng (or two).

The trouble with you, Josephine,

Is your difficult rhyme, as yo’s a-seein’.

So I’m going to start calling you Josie.

If I lived nearby, then I would mosey

Over quick to your place, for a nosey

Around to make sure all is rosy.

May your birthday be terribly cosy,

And maybe perhaps a bit bo(o)zy.

Hope Husband bought you a nice posy.

And I’m sorry I’m really so dozy

That I totally forgot to send you a card or a present.

Hope you had a good day. Thanks for being such a fabulous follower and commenter - I'm sure all my other readers feel they know you. Looking forward to seeing you in the summer (and sorry for being a rubbish birthday-rememberer).

Mwa mwa.



  1. Awwwww - no-one has ever written me a poem before - thank you!!!!! And my birthday was just fine, and all the better for your bit!


  2. Cor - talk about stretching the rhyming! Good effort though!

  3. Knew from way back Iota was a poet - after her winning entry in my contest

    Most impressed. Again.

    LCM x

  4. My birthday's June 7th. Can I have a poem too .....?! Doesn't have to be an ode, a limerick or even doggerel wd be fine ;o)

  5. That's fab. Hope Josie likes it, I'm sure she will. I want one too. I'm sure Rosie would be easier than Josephine. Happy belated birthday Josie, if you are reading this.

  6. Oddly, Rosiescribble, I have a sister called Rosie. But she spells it Rosey.

    My 2 yo will start school in our village in 2 and a bit years. Already we know people who will be in his class. There is is Rosie, and Posy and 2 Zoes whom I want to call Pudding and Pie. Is that bad of me?

    Thank you for the birthday wishes - much appreciated.

