Thursday, May 6, 2010

Election fever

Voting opens. History is in the making. The British public consider their choices. Will they vote red, blue or yellow? Or... Blogger Green!

Bloggy Friends. What can I say? Well, to my American readers, it's yay! and a hug, and maybe a small shriek of delight. To my British readers, it's a mumbled thank-you-very-much-you-really-shouldn't-have, and a look at my shuffling feet, before moving swiftly on to ask about the weather.

You lovely, lovely people. You have voted me into the position of Finalist in the MADs awards, sponsored by Butlins, in the category of Best Writer. Best Writer, for heaven's sake. Those of you who know me, will know how very much and what very deep pleasure that gives me. It is the greatest compliment you could have paid me (though a big thanks too to the people who nominated me as most inspiring, funniest, or best overall blogger - that last one, thanks Mum). Bloggy Friends, you are the best. (Is there a category for that? Can I vote for you?)

So as the country goes to the polls to vote in the (probably) more important matter of choosing members of parliament, let me reflect back with you on my own election campaign. It's been just the best. I haven't slogged through years of local party activity, stuffing envelopes (or whatever the 21st century equivalent of that is) in dingy back offices. I haven't had to sit in front of any intimidating selection committees. I haven't had to toady up to party officials. I haven't had to knock on doors, or be heckled by angry members of the public. I haven't had to kiss babies (though I'm always up for kissing babies). Three years ago, I started a blog (could someone hit the 'play' button on 'Land of Hope and Glory' at this point? I'd like it to be playing in the background as you read this). Yes, three years ago I started a blog, and since then I've splurged my splurges, rambled my rambles, ranted my rants, whinged my whinges, pondered my ponderings, wittered my witterings... (do you spot a theme developing here?) In all, I've just been doing what I love doing - writing, reading, commenting - and look at you, lovely people. You went and nominated me Best Writer. Best Writer, for heaven's sake. Those of you who know me, will know how [Shurely shome way of making her stop now. Ed.]

Then I did this thing where I said "vote for me, I need cheering up". I feel a bit bad about that. It's the blogging equivalent of having a pregnant wife.

Now, a bit about the voting in this final round. First, you have a month, so don't just whizz over and vote straightaway (though I do still need cheering up... obviously...) There are 9 categories, with 5 finalists in each, so that's a lot of fab blogs to have a look at. It's a sign of how big the blogosphere has become, that I have to confess to not knowing even half of the blogs up there (and I've read a lot of blogs). So this is a chance to go out and about from our own small corners of the blogosphere, and see what everyone else is excited about. The MADs organisers aren't going to be putting on any live TV debates for you, so you're going to have to get on out there, and do the reading yourselves before casting your vote (but don't lose sight of the 'cheering up' aspect of things.)

And thank you so much to Childsure, who not only offer private health insurance for kids, but have also sponsored the Best Writer category of the MADs awards.

Now, let me go and kiss some babies.



  1. very pleased for you - you've got my vote (already cast)

  2. Congratulations! I have to say that I was pretty excited to see you amongst the finalists - well done! My initial reaction was just to vote for you straight away, but I thought no... I really must look at the other blogs first to be fair. So I'll do that - and then I'll vote for you anyway! x

  3. Brilliant! Now pucker those lips up and get kissing girl!!!!!! (PS. Have voted!)

  4. Will you be kissing babies as part of your celebratory tour as well?

    Congrats - you deserve it!

    LCM x

  5. congratulations! can i vote for you?

  6. ha! i can! and did!

    i wonder if they'll let me vote twice.....

  7. Very well deserved. I have already cast my vote for you!


    Of course I have voted for you! (Sorry Tim...)

    Best of luck xx

  9. We should TOTALLY do a TV debate! Wouldn't be awfully adversial, though: we could go to the pub! If... you weren't a long way away. Damn.

  10. Well Done. I can tell you're thrilled;oD & so you should be, what an affirmation & accolade. Have at least voted for something today :o) Proxy & postal voting didn't come off alas. In that other little election today......

  11. Very well deserved too! Good luck.

  12. Hi Iota - I get terribly over excited at any sniff of an award - I have just read your least few posts - totally deserved well done ! Once I figure out how to vote I am all over it. Bravo ! xx

  13. Voted for you - very well deserved. What's the prize? Not a holiday at Butlin's, I hope (not slagging off Butlin's, it's just that it's not exactly accessible for you at the moment) x

  14. have already voted for you - you soooo deserve it. it's

  15. I was so happy for you when I saw that!!! Congrats! You deserve it and all that. Yay!
