Friday, April 27, 2012

Update on ticket situation, and Garrison Keillor

Ooh, get me. Two posts in 24 hours.

I just wanted to let you know that the BritMums Live ticket has been sold, to avoid any disappointment. Sorry, if you've come to my blog because you want to buy it.

Here is a little clip of Garrison Keillor, speaking in 2008 (for those of you who don't know him, or indeed, for those of you who do). He's talking about writing, and oh my, if this isn't a gold nugget of advice for bloggers! It'll be a good use of a minute and a half of your time.


  1. It's true, but the tendency to stay home all day and write is very attractive too.

  2. Love that clip. And he is absolutely right. Writing is about the world. We write about it best when it experience it in its fullest. Or rather, we get out more!
