Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Magic Pumpkin

Tomorrow, weather permitting, I am going with 4-yo's preschool to the Pumpkin Patch. We did a similar visit last year. I'm not the rookie this time round, and that's such a good feeling. I know what is going to happen (ooh, tempting Providence there), I know where it is, I know what activities will be on offer, I know what to wear, and I'm not having to ask anyone any idiot questions. In fact, another mom asked ME whether we leave at the usual preschool start time, or whether she needs to be there early. I replied from my superior knowledge, and then had to re-read the newsletter to make sure I hadn't led her astray. You get my drift, though. It is very nice not to be the first-timer.

It was this time last year that I lamented that there was no mythical story or character relating to the Pumpkin Patch (and was duly corrected in the comments). Maybe 7-yo's Second Grade teacher feels the same way, however, because tonight, his homework was to write a story entitled The Magic Pumpkin. She had said that it had to be at least 5 sentences long, which, as any self-respecting Second Grader knows, means 5 sentences long. The exercise reminded me of those memes that go round, where you have to say what you did today in seven words, and that kind of thing. I'm glad that Second Grade is carefully equipping my son with the skills he'll need to be a future blogger. Anyway, this is the story he wrote:

The Magic Pumpkin

Once there was a
magic pumpkin.

It was small.

It got bigger and
bigger and bigger and

then it gave me
a brand new T.V!

And it did my
homework for me!!!

The pernickety among you will be saying to yourselves "that's only 4 sentences", and I can't deny that is technically true. But if I could scan the original manuscript in here, you would see that the layout - which I've tried to replicate above - clearly indicates the intention of 5. Invention first, grammar and spelling later - I think that's the way forward with creative writing.

Speaking of which, this is my 100th post, by the way.


  1. Congrats on the 100th post! And the Magic Pumpkin. Maybe we can all get one? I'd like mine to go to work for me and clean my oven.

  2. Congratulations! And I'm assuming the magic pumpkin will carve itself up into a suitable jack o'lantern and then clean up the mess afterwards?

  3. There IS a mythical story about The Magic Pumpkin! It's at www.myspace.com/TheMagicPumpkin.



  4. I love that story. Wish the magic pumpkin could write my tedious freelance feature for me....

  5. That is a lovely piece of second grade writing.

    I used to love going to the pumpkin patch with my little ones. Now that they're not so little anymore, I miss it a bit.

  6. Um, if it's your 100th post, shouldn't you be hosting some sort of giveaway, like sending a pumpkin to each of your readers???
    Fran x

  7. Well done on 100, and I SO know what you mean feeling good about not being the first timer!

  8. Wow, 100 posts! How do you know? Do you have a post counter? Is there such a thing? Anyway, congratulations!

  9. Audrey

    If I go into "edit posts", it gives me a list, and there is the total number at the top.

  10. 100 !

    You don't look a day over 35 in the shadow photo....

    Nice that pumpkin memories have become a way of checking life has moved on, it really is linked to a season isn't it ?

  11. I think I'm almost at my 100 too! How did that happen. Anyhoo - congrats and keep it up.

  12. Iota, you are right, of course, that there is a number listed of posts you've...uh posted. Mine was a paltry 39. You and expatmum are my idols. I am not worthy!

  13. Blimey, I've never been anyone's idol before to my knowledge.

    Actually, 100 posts isn't all that many compared to lots of bloggers.

  14. I'm with you on the creative writing front. Don't stifle it for the sake of exactitude/spelling/grammar, blah blah. Anyway if it's 'poetry' anything goes. After all Shakespeare spelt his name in almost as many different ways as he wrote plays, & he was a creative genius...Well I think so.

  15. Congratulations on your 100th post. And that was a fantastic story!

  16. 100 posts - a century - and still batting for England!!


  17. congrats on 100th post. and i loved the magic pumpkin story. especially loved that you referenced ''original manuscript''. hang onto it. definately sign of creative genius budding there x

  18. Many congrats on the 100th post!
    Can the magic pumpkin make dinner for us and empty my dishwasher too please?

  19. Congratulations - both on your 100th post AND on your creative son!


  20. He shows real promise!

    And if he were in the UK, he would not write about a magic pumpkin because there are no pumpkins here.

    At least there are no orange ones because there is NOT ENOUGH SUNSHINE!
