Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Fifty Shades of Grey

Everyone's talking about it. Some find it rather shocking. Do we all really have to be subjected to this kind of stuff? Others shrug their shoulders. "This is modern life", they say. "It's just how it is these days." Personally, I have to say I've found it very disappointing. It's low in entertainment value, and I can't see how anyone could describe it as arousing. But certainly, it's a popular topic of conversation. The weather.

The last two summers have spoilt us. We've arrived from the US, and been greeted by cheery sunshine. Long June days of sunny, but still crisp, early summer weather, which have quietly given way to the heavier, more languid heat of July and August. The occasional morning or afternoon of showers, just to freshen the landscape, but the sun never far behind. Lazy days, with the children playing on the lawn, or walking the dog on dust-dry footpaths. But now summer 2012. Fifty Shades of Grey.

I'm not complaining, though. I prefer the British alternative to what we've left behind. This is the current 7-day forecast for where we used to live.

For those of you who work in Celsius, it looks like this.

I prefer it here. What about you? Would you prefer Fifty Shades of Grey, or One Shade of Yellow?



  1. I quite fance a solid block of yellow for a while, but I'm with you, I can't cope with excessive heat (despite being from Africa). Guess that's why I live on this wet island. So are you here now??

  2. What can I say? Perfect (your post), and rubbish (the weather).
    Of course the upside of living in the UK is that better climes are a mere quick flight away.
    Here I come, Italy...

    LCM x

  3. I'm done with Grey (or even gray). Totally had enough of it. Going to emigrate to where we can find one shade of yellow with an element of reliability.

    Welcome back! x

  4. I have to say that although it was a complete pain in the bum having almost every day of June completely rained out (in England), it's stifling here at the moment, with temps just a little below your old place. So much so that no one goes out and everyone worries about dogs and small children being out in the heat. I guess no one's happy but I would love a few showers to come this way.

  5. Unbelievable, within two minutes of me leaving that comment, the heavens opened. Now, it' not like a lovely little English shower; this is torrential, but the sun is shining, which hopefully means it won't last too long AND I don't have to put the sprinklers on the garden this morning. Thanks Iota!

  6. You should have been here in March. THAT was our summer!
    Maggie X

    Nuts in May

  7. It's hot here, but not as hot as the Midwest so it's still just about bearable. As long as you can keep cool and go to the beach or pool, I still massively prefer it to a wet British summer. But the Americans are terribly worried about drought - especially in your old neck of the woods....

  8. To some extent my definition of "bad weather" depends on circumstances (except perhaps yesterday when it was 100 and universally horrid.) I cherish the rain—but feel sorry for my kids having to amuse my grandchildren all day. I am not overly concerned by the heat as we have managed, by dint of window air conditioners and fans, to keep reasonably cool. Yesterday we had the luxury of sitting in the cool library and going out to dinner, something we never could have done with a bunch of small children. It's the sick, the elderly and those who cannot afford even fans that I feel sorry for.

  9. One shade of yellow tends to equal one shade of brown here as the grass dies. Just got back from 10 days in Maine where the temperatures were very comfortable - mostly high 70's to mid 80's - to find mid to high 90's at home :-(

  10. HA! We've got the same post up, more or less. Hot topic indeed :)
    PS: 50 shades of crap - it's written so badly, I couldn't get past the first 100 pages.

  11. Hmm. good point. No interest in one shade of yellow and you are not alone in your observations of the book Lx

  12. There are rumours that it is going to get better quite soon over here you know...!

  13. It's pretty much hot and humid pretty much every day here in Florida, but today it was overcast. An English Summer is wonderful. It's the dark, cold, wet winter months in the UK that I hate!
