Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas picks

This is the time of year when many mummy bloggers do reviews of toys, and give their hot picks for Christmas presents. Well, I’m going to do the opposite. I’m going to give you my cold picks.

The vast, vast majority of the toys in the toy shop where I work are brilliant. They’re high quality, well made, educational, imaginative; some are old favourites, some are different and unusual. I just want to point that out. I need to cover my back in case, just in case, the toy shop owner somehow is reading this and has worked out who Iota is, because I really don’t want to be dooced. And if you are reading this, oh please, please don’t dooce me. I love my job. Please, please don’t give me the sack. I love your shop. I love working in it. I’ll work for you for free.

With that disclaimer, of the thousands (actually, I think it might be tens of thousands) of toys in the shop, there are a very few that I really dislike. So here are my cold picks for 2010.

Hexbugs - I’m sorry, but I just don’t get Hexbugs. We’ve got a couple at home, from 10-yo’s birthday last year. They do two things. They either stay absolutely stationary, or they scuttle in a straight line. Neither is remotely interesting after the first 5 seconds. They are expensive, and as far as I can see, you might as well put your dollar bill or your credit card on the floor. That will stay absolutely stationary, which is 50% of what the Hexbug does. Then you can pick it up again and put it back in your wallet, and have it to spend on a different item. In my opinion, that will have been a much better use of your money. You will miss out on the scuttling, but trust me, you’re not missing out on much. I’m guessing that people buy Hexbugs because some in the series have the title “nano”, and “nano” sounds intelligent and impressive. Even the ones that aren’t “nano” somehow bask in the reflected glory of the ones that are. Also, some boys reach an age where they are almost impossible to buy presents for, and Hexbugs are the straws at which desperate friends and relations clutch.

Ugly Dolls - I don’t see the point of Ugly Dolls. They are ugly. They are overpriced. They do nothing. They don’t even scuttle. If your children ask for an Ugly Doll, it means they’ve got too many toys.

Chew by Numbers kits – I had my first introduction to this concept when 6-yo was in Kindergarten. I used to help out in the classroom each week, and once, I couldn’t believe it when the activity to help the kids learn the letter ‘G’, was to chew gum to make it soft, take it out of their mouths, and then stretch it into a string and stick it onto a sheet of paper in the shape of a ‘G’. Very suitable letter, given the huge number of Germs that were being happily spread around the place. Well, the idea must be flavour of the month with educators and toy designers, because someone has produced these kits containing different coloured gum, which you chew and then stick on to pictures. It’s painting by numbers, but with gum. Yet no-one has had the wit to call it “painting by gum-bers” which would at least add a bit of wry humour to the activity. Answer me one question. Why would anyone buy this kit, when there is a huge range of really good, creative, sensible art kits on the market, which don’t involve chewing and spitting out? Answer me another question. What are you meant to do with these chewing gum pictures when you’ve finished them? Hang them on your wall? Used gum, in colourful blobby shapes, masquerading as art, on your wall? Or put them in a drawer? Yuk. I rest my case.

Anything that says “Everyone loves” on the box - It’s like reading a recipe that says “Children will love this tasty and nutritious snack”. You just know it’s going to have spinach and chick peas in it, and that your children are not going to love it; they’re not even going to try it unless you deploy a big bribe. We sell a craft kit for making wind chimes that says “Everyone loves wind chimes” on the box. Well, I have news for the manufacturer. I don’t love wind chimes. I don’t mind them. I don’t object to them. But I don’t love them. So that’s a fib, right there, before the description goes any further. I am one person. So if I don’t love wind chimes, you can’t say “Everyone loves wind chimes”. Who wants to buy a toy from a company that fibs? We’re all ethical consumers these days.

Snap circuits - I have no idea what these are, in all honesty. I just know that the description on the box makes no sense: “Have fun learning all about electronics”. That is a sentence made up of two entirely discrete concepts – “have fun”, and “learning all about electronics”. That sentence is like vinaigrette. You can shake it vigorously, and it’ll be tasty for a short while, but then the oil and the vinegar will separate out again. You just can’t force two things to combine that don’t belong together. I think the word I’m looking for is immiscible. (Oh, how very, very gratifying. That is indeed the word, but it’s not in Microsoft’s thesaurus. I’m more literate than Microsoft! Ha!) I do have to tell you, though, that we sell a lot of snap circuits, and that people love them and come back for more. There are things called "snap circuit extension kits". I really have no idea at all what those four words mean (though I will happily sell you a box).

So those are my cold picks. I do have one more. It’s not so much a cold pick, as a frozen pick. It’s an item I hate with exquisite loathing. I’ll tell you about it in the next post.


  1. My 7 year old has just started an 8 week after school class using those snap circuit kits and he was practically high when he came out of the class. The clas is about robots, and they were making a brain I think, but there were about 15 little boys in the class and let me tell you, they loved it. Must be a left brain, right brain kind of thing.

  2. My boys love Hexbugs, they have been making tracks for them - different strokes for different folks!

    I have just finnished doing my top picks and also my bottom too, to post this week

  3. Great post - a refreshing change from the usual reviews.

    Snap circuits sound like the things we used to have to connect up in Physics at school. I always hated them. Still, I suppose there might be some people who love them!

    Did you read MorethanJustaMother's Hexbug post -apparently it scuttled into her fireplace and caused all kinds of expensive damage....

  4. I do love a blogpost I can read out loud to my husband to make him laugh and your Hexbug bit was perfect!

  5. So glad I'd never even heard of any of them!

    I will give you my pet hate: all the "normal" toys that have now been made pink, because surely you can't get a girl a white plane or a red phone. Girls can only deal with pink!

  6. My kids got to play with snap circuits at a friend's house and loved them.

    Chew by numbers? How disgusting (and totally American - please don't tell me they sell this in the UK too!!)

  7. Please could you write an 'extended post' on Erector kits. I am sure there was so much more that you could teach us about them. You merely whetted our appetite before.....

  8. I'm with Mwa. I don't think any of them have made it over the Atlantic yet - watch this space for them to be 2011's must buys in the UK.

    And chewing gum pictures?! I honestly don't think I could have imagined anything so revolting and I've got a pretty revolting imagination.

  9. oh god, the gum thing. For real? Yuck!

    I quite like the fun with circuits things though, I must admit!

  10. p.s Can't see the gum thing catching on over in the UK. What a melting pot of contradictions America is, candy mad yet fixated on dentistry & perfect teeth, super hygenic & everythign has to be sanitised, yet they produce a thing called Chew By Numbers or Chewing kits. I don't get it??

  11. I always think the snap circuits are going to be amazing and educational when the boys get them out to play with but they only keep them entertained for a short while.

    They do like their hexbugs though!

  12. Another funny list of crap toys! Love it.

    Nice to meet your blog, pop over and visit bigwords one day!
