Wednesday, September 1, 2010

300 not out

“I think you’d be a great addition to the team”, the Toy Shop Owner said.

Yay! I’m starting a week tomorrow, doing probably a couple of days a week, 10.00am to 3.00pm, in September, and building up as necessary through October, November, and the busiest period of the year in December. I love the fact that this has all fallen into place so easily. One phone call. That’s all it took. Sometimes you get a lucky break, and this has been one of mine. All I need now is a social security number. And there I was, thinking that getting the green card marked the end of the bureaucracy…

The children are so excited. I’ve just picked up 9-yo from school, and he’s already told his whole class, two teachers and the principal. Not bad going in one afternoon.

This is my 300th blog post. I still haven’t decided on a new name (I thought I might launch the new name at the 300th post, but it’s snuck up on me.) I’m thinking I might just call the blog “Iota”. Is that a bit pretentious? I really wish we lived in Iowa, because then I could be “Iota in Iowa”. Then we should move to an island off the coast of Scotland, and I could be “Iota: from Iowa to Iona”.

I like my profile picture, of the notice nailed to the tree trunk, and I was wondering about tying the name in with that. How about “Iota stakes her claim”? Kind of assertive. Or perhaps a reference to the American writing style: “Iota: discursive in cursive”. I’ve wondered about:

Iota, actually
Iota, Stateside
Iota’s Quota, which would abbreviate rather pleasingly to IQ.
Iota, Wife in the West
Iota on the Great Plains… She’s Great, but she isn’t Plain. Trouble with that, is that one slip of the keyboard, and you’re into “She’s Great, but she isn’t Palin”, and then I’d attract all kinds of unwanted political traffic.

Of course there’s still “Among the Bison with my Dyson”. I can’t rule that one out yet. It has so much potential for a fantastic visual image on the header.

What about tornadoes? They’re the other well-known feature of life in the Midwest. How about “Torn ado about nothing”? No? Thought not.

Sorry to be wittering on so much about names, but they are important things. Colgate, for example, is (I’m told) ‘hang yourself’ in Spanish. Persil is ‘parsley’ in French (and I believe it is marketed in France under that name). And who, who on earth, thought that Pepto-Bismol was a good name for a medicine for indigestion? It just sounds like 'Pept-Abysmal'. Mind you, I do wonder if the Pepto-Bismol marketing department operates on some kind of reverse psychology, because no-one in their right mind would consider buying medicine for indigestion that lurid pink colour. No-one except Barbie, and clearly she never gets indigestion because she never eats anything except Slim-fast.

Barbie… toys… toyshop… job… All witterings come full circle if you let them run their course.



  1. Congratulations! On both fronts... As for the names; hmmm. They all have their merits though I have to say I was a fan of "From Gruffalo to Buffalo" and am sad to see it appears to have dropped out of the running. While we're on the subject of names though, what about "Fructis". Does that sound like a shampoo to you? Or a yeast infection?

  2. I love this post!
    Congrats on the job! Can't wait to hear all about it.

    For Heaven's sake don't use a tongue twister for a blog title! And why do people have to change their blogs anyway? I like the familiar. How boring is that! LOL!

    I think the equivalent indigestion med in England is Gaviscon. Brightly coloured.... the same stuff probably.
    Maggie X

    Nuts in May

  3. A 10-3 job? To die for. You will be selling ice to Eskimos, as they say. You'll be brilliant.
    I love your Iota name, as was obvious when I kept calling you that instead of your name. It suits you.
    I like Blog Iota, because that's your URL, but I also like "Iota, Actually".

  4. Congrats on the post, the blog, and putting up a shortlist of names (!). Continuing the name trivia, I'm told (although it could of course be an urban myth) that 'Haagen Dazs' - itself a completely made-up name, created for the brand - means 'public toilet' in Finnish. Hmmm - probably not the image the marketing director had in mind for a luxury ice cream...

  5. Oo - I like discursive to cursive myself. Congrats on being 300 not out, very impressive.

    Also, do you remember the car Nova (Vauxhall maybe?). Anyway, never sold in spanish speaking countries - No Va meaning it doesn't go. Ah well...

    I also remember the film 'Free Willy' getting a round of giggles from the British cinema audience, which probably wasn't what the American execs were intending we should be thinking...

  6. Oh, I love Not Wrong Just Different, but second best wd be to use the Iota moniker I agree. I like the note on the tree too. My fave was Iota's Quota.

  7. I second (or rather third) Iota's Quota. Quota of what it leads you to wonder. And many congrats on the fab sounding job. I hope that you get a good staff discount!

  8. I like Iota, Actually. But you should definitely also include Among with Bison with my Dyson. Maybe as a sub-header? It's too good not to use.

    The toyshop sounds fabulous.

  9. I'm glad you got the job. I remember when I was little and my mother used to take us to an old fastion toy shop that was complete with a nice clerk who had a British accent. My mom loves to tell the story about the time I asked the lady if she was Mary Poppins. You will diffently add something special to the toy shopping experiance.

    I had to google Gruffalo to find out what it is. I like the idea of the Gruffalo/Buffalo blog title. It gives that British in American feel in a very subtle way. I still like the title you've got, but I can see how after thre years the "Not wrong, just differnt" idea isn't quit the same.

  10. I like Iota, Actually and Iotas quota. But I do like not wrong just different. It doesn't have to be only about being British in America. It is a good motto to live by, recognizing that someone you don't agree with may just have a different view and not necessarily be 'wrong'

  11. I like the current name too, the title attracted me to read it from a long list of blogs, on the Iota theme though what about, "Just One Iota" ?
    Great blog btw.

  12. Hahahaha. Great post! And “Among the Bison with my Dyson” sounds good to me.

  13. you're making me laugh. i like iota on the great plains and drop the subtitle. although with a title like that, i expect cowboys and bison.

  14. wow, that's a bit different, your template etc. Not wrong. Just different ;o)

  15. Hi, Iota Quota...

    Not to be confused with

    'lo Iota Quota...

    Very nice. Top news about the job, too.


  16. Liking the look, and the new name :)Enjoy the job! (or is it a jawb?)

  17. I just caught up on this job thing. Congrats! So the litmus test was your accent? Can't wait to hear about all the tales of what the toys get up to while the shop owner is away.

  18. Iota, you do know, don't you, that if there was a card which said Happy 300th Blog Post, I would have sent it. I'll keep looking ...

