Saturday, July 14, 2007

Moody Friday... Rockin' Saturday!

Beta Mum, at Keir Royale, has given me an award. It is the Rockin' Blogger Award. Not only is it very nice to have an award (and I am wearing some shocking pink capris to match the logo), but it is also very nice to receive it from someone whose writing I enjoy and really respect. Thanks, Beta Mum. I was having a bad Friday, and it cheered me up no end.

I now have the challenge of uploading the image. You will notice, the observant among you, that my blog is still stuck in the dark ages of text, with not a glimmer of a picture to enliven it. This I am planning to remedy - but not until after the school holidays. I cannot resist the little pink award logo, however, so I have had to get to grips with the necessary for uploading that (and hope it won't disappear against my rather pink background).

Ah, there we are! I'm tempted to say "that wasn't too bad", but I'm a truthful sort of person. Anyway, the award brings with it the pleasure of passing it onto two other blogs. I nominate Rebecca, at Somewhere Over the Pond, who writes amusingly and thoughtfully about life as an American mom in London. You need some kind of an award for even attempting to make sense of a nation as eccentric as the Brits. She is, in some sense, a mirror to me, a British mum in America. So for her, I would like to make the award the Nikcor Reggolb Drawa, but that might be confusing, and I couldn't possibly design a backwards logo. So Rebecca, you're stuck with Rockin' Blogger.

My other nomination is the author of Confessions of a Rotten Correspondent. She is an ER nurse, has 3 kids, 3 dogs and yet finds time to do road trips with girlfriends, try out new recipes, read Harry Potter, and write amusing, brash and very frequent blog entries. I'm not sure anyone could really do so much and write so much, so I am tempted to create a Fibbin' Blogger Award, but let's give her the benefit of the doubt, and stick to Rockin' Blogger. Her blog is easy on the eyes, with pictures of gooey cakes, pretty fireworks, and semi-naked male film stars. Best of all, she's somewhere in the Midwest.

On with Rockin' Saturday!


  1. hey there. i'm gonna stop back by your blog. i am really curious about scotland.
    God bless.

  2. Congratulations, Iota. Well-deserved honour!

  3. Does it give you letters after your name?

    Many congratulations....Can I submit several years of your emails somewhere and get you another award?

  4. Definitely deserved

    Trouble is it's got into my head as the Jackson 5's Rockin'Robin and now I'm wandering round the house humming

    twiddlee diddlee dee (flute bit de dee de)twiddlee diddlee dee

    repeat until the lmen in white coats come to take me off

    Rock on

  5. Congratulations Iota.

    I followed you here from Rotten Correspondent and Missing You Already.

    Great blog. :-)

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  8. Hey iota, thanks to you, I have a Rockin' Blog award, too, courtesy of The Rotten Correspondent. So thanks for passing it along *grin* I do like your blog, would you mind if I added a link to yours on mine?

  9. I'm trying to send you an email and not having any luck. Can you email me at and see if that works?

    Thanks again for the very cool award. More awards at my blog - come on by!

  10. You're the best!

    I no doubt really deserve the "Rotten Blogger" award given my MIA status lately. House guests, particularly the kind who expect to actually be shown a good time, put a terrible crimp in my blogging style. They will be gone next week and I will be sad to see them go (truly), but I will also finally get a chance to claim my purty button. In the meantime, thanks!
