Tuesday, April 9, 2013

My Postsecret - Part I

Do you follow Postsecret? For those of you who don't know it, it's a website which invites people to send in their secret, anonymously, on a homemade postcard. Every Sunday, a selection are posted, sometimes randomly, sometimes on a theme.

I liked Postsecret better in its early days. Now, it is a phenomenon (isn't that what we call these things?). It's spawned books, and lecture tours, and events at which people occasionally propose to each other - which surely is the definition of being mainstream. It's done a tremendous amount of good. It's become a torch bearer for suicide prevention, raising money and awareness.

I miss its early incarnation, though. When I discovered Postsecret, back in 2007, it mirrored a couple of the elements that I found important in blogging. 

First, the need to share of oneself, and the opportunity to do that anonymously. Postsecret tapped into something that bloggers at that time would recognise: the way the internet can be a place of conspiracy, a place where confessions can be made, a strangely safe place for that. 

Second, the fun, the creativity, that can come with digging up a confession and airing it. Oh yes. The creativity that Postsecret unleashed was striking. The secrets were imaginative - many of them  sad, some thoughtful, some just totally random. I liked the card that read "Why are everyone's secrets on Postsecret so sad? My secret makes me happy!"
 I love the creativity behind the design of the postcards. Arty, jokey, brash, subtle, rude, startling, beautiful, disturbing... you name it, it's there in a Postsecret postcard. 

I don't like Postsecret in 2013 nearly so much. Now, most of the secrets are about sex. (Why does everything gravitate towards sex, given half a chance?) Many of them are designed to be shocking. Reading the cards used to be like whispering with a friend in the corner of a party, and now it's more like being trapped in a conversation with the party bore. Some of the fun has gone out of it, for me. I still read it, though, for the gems that are still to be found there.

Back in 2007, I made a postcard for Postsecret. I'll tell you about it in my next post. 

PS. Do you prefer this big typeface? Is it easier on the eyes than my previous minuscule one? Is it too big? - and if the answer to that last question is 'yes', then can anyone let me in on the Blogger secret, of how to have a typeface that is between 'normal' and 'large'. It seems like a big jump between the two. 


  1. My typeface is a fairly "medium" looking one but I have no idea what I did; I just started typing. Some of the fonts come out bigger than others, so even when you have them on "small" they're legible. Yours is fine now though!

    I used to read Postsecret, but it was probably later than when you started because I always got the impression people were just out to shock. Can't wait for your next post now.

  2. Never heard of it. I want to wind the clock back 6 years now...
    J x

  3. The saddest secret I ever heard on Postsecret (that still comes back to me (depending on which child is winding me so much that I consider giving them away) was this: I only love two of my three children. How terrible to feel like that about one of your children all the time.

    1. PS I've just re-read that and it sounds judgemental and it wasn't meant to. I actually was trying to say that I can't imagine how terrible/guilty/confused/sad I would feel if I didn't love one of my children, and that I feel sorry for the person harbouring this secret because I'm sure it must be horrible to be constantly haunted by this feeling of knowing how you are supposed to feel about your child and knowing that you don't feel this way and knowing that you can't tell a soul because they'll think you're a monster even though you are being honest about your feelings.

      Hope I haven't dug myself into a bigger hole!

    2. You're fine. I think we know what you meant. That's what I loved about Postsecret in its early days. It was a place where people could confess the unthinkable. But also a huge mix of that kind of confession with fun, superficial stuff. A real hotch potch.

  4. I've heard of it but never really looked - interested to read about yours! I didn't even notice the change in typeface, but I prefer things larger these days anyway.

  5. You know, I did the same thing after reading Potty Mummy's post about 'good blog.' I've always hesitated to use a bigger font because my posts tend to be so lengthy anyway (seemed like a bigger font would make them interminable, although that's entirely illogical, I know) but I know I loathe too-small print, so I made the change, too. And, by the way, I never thought your font was too small before!

  6. I'm now intrigued by Postsecret, will probably head over there now, even though I should go to bed!
    Even though it's so sad to read what Almost Bedtime saw, it's good that there was one place where that person could share their secret. It must have been awful to have that feeling and not have a single person to share it with. I didn't think Almost Bedtime sounded judgemental at all, just empathetic.

  7. have I been living under a rock as I've never heard of Postsecret. Just took a look - what a strange concept. (PS - font looks perfectly fine to me)
