Friday, March 22, 2013

A good question

A question from 8-yo yesterday:

"Mummy, is rocket science difficult?"

I just said yes. I said it must be very difficult and complicated to send up a rocket into space. But it's an assumption, isn't it? I could have said "Rocket science? Nah. Any old numpty can work for NASA if they want. Baking muffins that turn out light and fluffy. That's what's really difficult."

Because that is what I find difficult. Nay, impossible.

And remembering that red wine, though delicious, doesn't agree with me. (It's an age thing, I think; this is a new problem.)

And reversing in a straight line (I'm ok manoeuvring, but I find it hard to reverse straight back).

And spelling "manoeuvring", (though I hadn't thought about that one till just then).

What about you? What do you find difficult?



  1. Was Living Down UnderMarch 22, 2013 at 7:29 AM

    Backing out of a parking spot. I prefer to back into the spot as opposed to backing out of it.

    And now that you mention it I am terrible at reversing in a straight line. Coming out of my driveway, I always feel like I'm going to end up on the lawn instead of the street.

    Adding. Actually almost any kind of math. I like math. I got an A in GCSE but I really am terrible at it. The A was a result of a lot of revision.

    New here by the way. Got caught up on all your blogs - really enjoyed them. Especially your observations on the use of language between the English and Americans. I'm Canadian but was educated in an British school in Dubai and my parents are East African born and educated, again by the English. It means that I have weird language idiosyncrasies and I'm never quite sure where they originated :)

    Oh another thing I find difficult is hitting publish before my comment gets too long.

    1. I can sympathise with the language difficulties. Mom is American, Dad Egyptian. Went to a British School in Cairo. Read lots of American books and had American grandparents and great-grands who used interesting phrases. As well as the ones I picked up from the Brits. ARGH!

  2. Not eating anything with dairy products in it, because, although they make me sick, I do happen to love dairy products and can't stop eating them once I start. But the price, my dear!

  3. Not so much the muffins, but pastry. Argh - I can buy that Pillsbury stuff which only needs to be put in the oven and it still comes out like a hockey puck!
    I am also very challenged at following instructions that are diagrams instead of text. Whenever I try to make my own cards on the computer, I have to figure it out myself because I cannot follow the pictures and arrows. Possibly why I'm also useless at helping the 9 year old follow Lego instructions.

  4. Anything maths-related, such as splitting bills at communal meals. And blowing up balloons. I am completely unable to do that, embarrassingly.

  5. Map reading I find all but impossible. The invention of SatNav was a happy day for me. Cleaning windows, for some reason, I can't do. The more I wipe, the more I smear. Cooking steak is another no-go. However good the cut of meat I always seem to turn it into a piece of rubber. The list could go on...

  6. Yep, I'm useless at reversing in a straight line too!
    I find constantly cleaning the toilet difficult, especially when no other bugger in my house bothers. Grrr.

    CJ x

  7. Not being able to pop...and by that I mean not being able to pop home. I would love to make a quick trip back to England to see family this Easter, but I still find travelling with my 2 boys difficult, and I'm not sure if I can face the journey and the jet lag! Not so much my jet lag, but theirs! We'll be back in the summer, which I know isn't far off, but it would be so nice to

  8. ...pop home this weekend. For some reason, also have trouble leaving comments on your blog when I'm on the iPad!

  9. I thought it was just me, I recently have switched to white wine too.

    The question for me is, what don't I find difficult.

  10. Trying to find repairmen etc. As my house falls down over my ears. exercise. Not eating all the chocolates.
