Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Iota's Six Top Festive Tips

Long-term followers of my blog (you poor sad people, don't you have anything better to do?) will know that I really love Christmas. So as the season starts to roll, I thought I would drip my distilled drops of wisdom, accumulated from experiences old and new, as to how to make this Christmas the most wonderful of all.
  1. Don't get a spaniel puppy. They poo and wee a lot on the floor. They humiliate you at puppy training classes. They bark when they are excited, which is a lot of the time. When you discuss this, outside, with the puppy trainer, she will talk about rewarding good behaviour, as if you need to become an expert in canine CBT. You will be nodding and smiling, while all the while you will be thinking "or we could just buy a kennel and he could live outside". Shouting at your puppy does not help.
  2. Don't have sons. They are incapable of distinguishing dirty clothes from clean. If you have to have sons, wait a few decades until Lasik have invented a corrective procedure, that will be offered to parents of boys at their birth. Shouting at your sons does not help.
  3. Don't have daughters. They are like whirlwinds of chaos. They have 'art projects' everywhere. They insist on growing their hair long, and then they don't want to wash it because they are too busy when it comes to bedtime. Shouting at your daughters does not help.
  4. Don't get married. Husbands are always right about everything, and it's very annoying. They put on a sad face with sad eyes (see "spaniel puppy" above) when you shout at them. 
  5. Don't buy Christmas stocking fillers. You will hide them and then not remember where you have put them. Don't even bother with the shouting on this one. Those pesky stocking fillers will not hear you, and even if they do, they will not answer.
  6. Don't buy Christmas decorations. Don't buy fancy cardboard stars from IKEA, and wait till Sunday night to put them up. You will have mislaid the light bulbs, and it will be too late to go and buy some more (even if you could be bothered), because this is Britain where shops shut at a stupidly early hour. You won't be able to make the stars hang straight, because electric flex is so deliberately wayward, and because, quite frankly, the world is against you. Surprisingly, shouting at the IKEA stars DOES help.
If you follow these six tips, I guarantee you'll be full of festive cheer, and the season will envelop you in a flurry of goodwill and jollity, as if you were in a blizzard and every snowflake was a warm wish of happiness.

This post is part of the BritMums Christmas Blog Hop.



  1. Ha, great post! I have a son and a husband to get rid of before the big day then.

  2. Damn, wish I'd read this post before acquiring a husband and a daughter...!!!!

  3. That's right, tell me now after I've churned out a son and found they wee on the floor as soon as you give them an iPod and churned out a daughter and found she makes off in my sheepskin slippers and calls them Uggs and after I've married a man who's too spiritual for childcare and spent a fortune on dodgy festive electrics at the 99p Shop. The spaniel, though, at least you've saved me from that.

  4. Hmm the girls and their art projects everywhere, and the long hair they refuse to wash, aargh. I'm with you

  5. That made me laugh! Love your tips. ;)

  6. Oh, I see you've already been to visit here :)
