Thursday, December 13, 2012

Last night, I dreamt I photocopied my puppy

It's true. Most of the dream was trying to hold him still while closing the lid, which was not easy. The dream ended with the picture emerging: four paw prints, and the underside of his chin.

Why would I dream that?

A friend suggested that I'd really wanted to buy two puppies. Actually I didn't. Good suggestion though. Any other ideas?

PS Don't you so much prefer the old fashioned spelling "dreamt" over the more modern "dreamed"?



  1. Dreamt is better. And puppies are best in twos, or at least with other dog. Playmates and all that.

  2. You were having a psycho-thingy moment with me. I have just bathed the bog and let me tell you, photocopying her would have been a darn sight easier.

  3. I have NO idea what that meant. Maybe that all the modern technology in the world can't help you to get a 'real' hold on what it means to actually have a puppy? Or, you're trying to get Canon to send you a free printer so you can put it to this challenge? Or... Like I said. No idea.

  4. I think it's a reflection of the powerlessness you feel in general, in trying to get the puppy to obey you or do as it's told. So you thought, "Ha! If I can just get a photocopy done of him, then I can do ANYTHING! I will PROVE once & for al whose boss" But even that proved elusive & the puppy won by only enabling you to copy 4 paws & a chin....

  5. Two dreams in one - practicalities of sorting out 7-y-o's new passport (or forms for the nativity, or doctors registration - or something, there's always something), plus general puppy love...?

  6. In Medical Research the latest "thinking" is this... When we sleep our brain processes our daily lives, it takes short term memory and makes it into long term memory, as this is happening our brains are receiving bits and pieces of a story, and because we are human, our brains can't make sense of it, so what it does is make a story line of sorts, so each part of your dream is nothing more than something you thought of during the day... Or read about, or saw. Even if you don't remember seeing it... Our brains are highly magnificent organs. On a final note, you can't remember a dream unless you wake up in it! It happens during our REM Sleep.. So Your puppy and your photo coping and all the other stuff, was just random thought of your day that your brain put together in a story when remembering it!

  7. Wow - who knew the Medical Research thing. Amazing.

  8. Not bovvered! BUT have only just found your subscribe by email button. Why so coy?

    1. Darn it, no, it's a subscribe to comments thing. How the heck do you subscribe to your wit?!

  9. I agree - dreamt is much better. I have a vague memory of being taught at school that dreamt and dreamed were used in different situations, but I might have dreamt that. ;)
