Saturday, August 25, 2012


Here is a random list of things that have changed in Britain in the five and a half years since we moved away.

It was 12-06 when we left. It was 06-12 when we returned. That makes it easy to remember for filling in forms. And it's tidy. I like life to be tidy. It so often isn't, that when there are little tidy things like this, it makes me happy.

Pharmacists can now dispense a decent level of medication. Yay. This makes total sense. It was being talked about when we left, I seem to remember, but now it's really happened. So I went and got some antibiotic eye drops for conjunctivitis, without having to prostrate myself in front of a doctor's receptionist, begging abjectly for an appointment. I just needed a few prompts from the pharmacist, who was helpful enough to give them to me. "Not sticky? Just red and itchy? Are you sure not sticky? How about first thing in the morning, when you wake up? A bit sticky then, perhaps? Yes..? Ah, it's sticky. It's just that that's one of the symptoms I have to hear." I love it when people beat the system.

A first class postage stamp is now 60p. What? Don't be expecting any birthday cards from me any more. If Amazon can deliver large, heavy packages for free, why does the Royal Mail need 60p to deliver a small, light card? They ought to be paying us, actually, for feeding those red boxes and keeping them in business. Just before we left, the Royal Mail changed the way they charge for packages. Instead of the simple weighing of a parcel, they'd introduced a system which required the counter staff to weigh it, measure it, see if it would fit through a slot, balance it on their head, do a cartwheel with it between their knees, and spin in on a 50p piece. It seemed a little over-burdensome to me. I hate to say "see, I told you so", but here we are, with a first class stamp at 60p. I only remains for me to make a joke about the Royal Mail and the front page of the Sun. Consider it made.

There are an awful lot of tv channels - more than you can shake a tv remote at. Perhaps there were in 12-06 and we just didn't subscribe to them. We weren't missing much. There are the five old favourites, and then several hundred others, which repeat what was on the five old faves, either a few hours later, or a few years later. I shouldn't complain really. It's quite useful for us. If we want to watch today's tv, we can. If we want to pretend we're in a time warp and have never been away at all, we can do that too.

Smartphones. They're rather good, aren't they? Husband and I have each got one. We didn't plan to, and the very thought of us owning one each had our children smirking and giggling. They felt rather protective of us, and wanted to come shopping with us, to help us sort out our phone needs. I think they worried that we'd be sold a tv remote at smartphone price, and come home proudly brandishing it, not realising we'd been ripped off. Oh they of little faith! In fact, we went to Tesco, got a fabulous deal, and came home rejoicing that there is at least one thing that is seriously cheaper in Britain than it is in America. Come to think of it, why isn't there an app that allows you to change channels on the tv with your smartphone? That would save you the enormous effort of having to put it down on the coffee table, and pick up the remote, and then do the same manoeuvre in reverse. You could save seconds. Valuable seconds. This is the 21st century. It does rather worry me, though, that the country is being run by Tesco, not the government. Which one, honestly, has more influence over our daily lives?

My waist. I used to have one. I definitely did. I remember it well. I don't now. It must be to do with climate change and air pressure, or something like that. Very odd.

There's one thing that hasn't changed. For this, I join the many-voiced chorus of Americans who have lived in, or even just visited, Britain. Oh, Mixer Taps!! Why don't we have them over here? How hard could that be? I can't tell you how backward it feels to have temperature discrimination in our taps, when you have been used to the unsegregated flow of a simple mixer tap.  O... M... T...!!



  1. Wait are you saying that the UK doesn't have mixer taps?
    We do - honestly. We've had mixer taps since err forever, well at least 25+ years (that's when we got our first one anyway).

  2. mixer taps are so ordinary that i didn't even know they had a name.
    it is only old, old decrepit boarding houses and ancient schools that still have separate taps for hot and cold.

  3. Mixer taps are quite common. Are you moving in the right circles?
    Maggie X

    Nuts in May

  4. Funny post! I definitely agree that smartphones are a fantastic thing. Oh, and even I didn't know 1st class stamps are now 60p, it's been so long since I bought stamps. Maybe that's a bit shamful... (!)

  5. I agree with a lot of what you've written - the cost of a 1st class stamp is dreadful! Like your joke re the Royal Mail/Sun. :)
    Mixer taps? We've got mixer taps, have had them for years and years - maybe American mixer taps are different in some way?

  6. Brilliantly put, and you must do a part 2 because there are bound to be plenty more things. You'll have to do a post about the things that haven't changed. Like the weather.

  7. Oh wonderful welcome back! And yes I am sure you'll find your waist if not because you will lose the remote and have to search for it to chnage channels! Scared quite witless by the cost of postage stamp!

  8. OMG! - you are back!! I have been so so out of touch with blogging that i had no idea! Welcome back! xxxx

  9. pharmacies - good
    postage costs - bad
    TV channels - agreed
    smartphones - what, they don't do them in the US??
    waist - that happened to me too. Must be something in the water
    mixer taps - we have those too
    hope you're enjoying being back!

  10. Drat. I have just started doing a "What's changed since 2006" since that's when my book came out, and was going to ask you to jump in. Perhaps I sparked this or perhaps we're twins in all but name. Oh wait...
    Have to laugh since I installed a sink in our tiny downstairs loo (or "half bath" as it's called here) and put a posh sink in there with separate hot and cold taps. My American friends were aghast and some of them are seriously worried on my behalf that it will affect the resale value of the house LOL.

  11. Ha! ancient boarding houses & old schools says "Laurie" How insightful of him/her;o)
    I STILL don't have a smart phone. Do you recommend one? Not sure how gd it wd be for me to be online all the time!
    What about obesity? Didn't you notice that? i found that VERY stark compared to Albania & certainly since we last lived here (01/12)

  12. I have a device to stream Internet to my TV (roku) that I control with an app on my iPhone. Soon all we will need is our phones. Which scares me as I am quite scatterbrained and prone to losing things!

  13. Welcome back! I have mixer taps but not a smartphone. I need to get to Tesco then!

  14. Erm... there's an apple app that's called Remote. Or you could stream your content from your iPhone/iPad/MacBook via Apple TV to your regular TV. See, it's all here, waiting for you at your finger tips. Welcome back!

  15. Welcome back!

    love your date symmetry and afraid have to echo the others, there are some mixer taps in the UK - did you not fill in the right forms?
