Why can't I bake muffins? I've tried several times. They don't turn out light and fluffy, and poking over the top of the muffin case. They turn out a bit hard and a bit dry, and barely reaching the top of the muffin case. I don't do any super-healthy wholemeal recipe. In fact I've probably tried several recipes over the past few years. I don't think I can be a proper American mom until I can bake muffins (and yes, I do already make a mean apple pie).
Let's have a poll. I'm relying on you, Bloggy Friends. Don't let me down. I can't accept I have no future in muffins. You can select as many answers as you like, and/or leave me a comment with further information.
Vegetable oil? Gosh.
ReplyDeleteSorry, I voted for all but the veg oil one where I didn't understand the question. But then I have only made muffins from Brit recipes. But seriously, this is where you stick to Britishness or even Englishness and create the perfect Victoria sponge, or flapjacks, or as you say, fairy cakes. Don't get sucked into calling them cupcakes. Or a lemon meringue pie.
If you are really desperate I can email you Nigella's banana muffin recipe, which is lots of fun to make and doesn't go wrong for me at least.
Love J'ph xxx
ReplyDeleteI can't vote because I have NEVER even attempted any form of muffin. Such a crap mum. I am pretty sure - given my success rate with any other form of baking - that they would give your muffins a run for their money where density / lack of flatness is concerned.
Okay - maybe next week I will actually give it a go. Purely so I can either gloat at my own achievements...or offer true commiseration from a fellow naff muffin maker
The trouble with muffins is they don't keep. Really u need to eat them fresh out of the oven, wch is all well & good, but a bit demoralising that all y rhard work disappears so quickly & that you can't have something in a tin on standby for atleast 1 more day if not 2(as wth fairy cakes)
ReplyDeleteSift the flour. That's the only thing I ever found that worked (and yes, despite not being American - and today's post which will probably mean I'm never allowed into the US again - I can bake muffins, I promise!)
ReplyDeleteEither too much stirring - that lumpy mixture will turn into muffins - honest.
ReplyDeleteOr the wrong flour, or are you several thousand feet above sea level, or is it particularly hot or humid where you live?
Does your oven reach the correct temp (test with oven thermometer, don't rely on the dial/setting).
For big rounded muffin tops you need to fill the cases to the top not just 2/3 full.
Nope, never made a muffin although I have been eyeing up a recipe in a fabulous gluten-free book I've got (Phil Vickery, since you asked). I've made a couple of his cakes in the last week or so - birthdays like London buses - and they worked so well that I may take on the muffin challenge.
ReplyDeleteIf your muffins aren't rising properly it's most likely due to the leavening agent. Be sure the baking soda and/or baking powder are fresh. It's also vital that your oven is hot enough as Kia said above so check your oven temp with a hanging thermometer. Baking 911 is an excellent website to consult for more troubleshooting tips. Good luck!
I've never baked a muffin in my life (and given previous attempts at baking almost anything, would probably fail miserably.) So, I voted none of the above, and my culinary tip would be to seek out the finest bakery in your neighbourhood, and put your feet up with a coffee and a magazine.
ReplyDeleteForget about muffins. Seriously. Completely over rated. What you want are scones. Nigella's scones which she names Lily's scones (From the Domestic Goddess cookbook). They are perfection. Add a bit of jam and cream and you'll have those Americans thinking you are a foreign goddess.
ReplyDeleteAhem - ....I got nuffin'. I can just about bake a loaf of bread - and that's with my new bread machine too!
ReplyDeleteI now let my daughter make the muffins - tho' I have to admit her last batch were definitely slightly overcooked (but that's probably because DH supervised and made her follow the recipe, whereas I always take them out of the oven a few minutes early.) Fresh baking powder/baking soda are important. But so long as your kids like them, why worry? I'm jealous of anyone who can make a good apple pie!
ReplyDeleteExpat mum - do you like your bread machine? What brand is it? (Thinking of a Chrissy pressie for DH!)
They sell really nice muffins at whole foods. And Safeway, Starbucks and Peets. Baking is overrated!
ReplyDeleteLOVE the poll! I sort of randomly voted for everything because -whisper- I'm not that good at them either. I do have a theory though, are you ready?
ReplyDeleteYou actually have to be American to cook brownies that go properly 'waxy' on the top and the same applies to muffins.
Voila, problem solved.
AA - I have an Oster, which is at the lower end. It's OK. I wouldn't have gone for this but it was a birthday present and since I was returning another of my birthday presents (also from the other half) I didn't feel like I could take this back as well. The Panasonic ones are meant to be really good, but more expensive.
ReplyDeleteSorry Iota, about highjacking your blog here!
I would have said the mixing one, but then you've thought of that already...
ReplyDeleteBut take heart. According to the Domestic Goddess herself, "no homemade muffin is ever going to be as risen and aeratedly humped as a factory-produced one, and nor should it be".
See? Yours are probably perfect as they are. And if they're not, I can send you the receipe that quote was taken from and then they will be (they're jolly tasty too - orange breakfast muffins, should you be interested).
Sorry totally gave up on baking years ago. It's a science, not an art - a friend told me. And I've always fancied myself an artist (though am rubbish cook too) Tried to make sleepover 5th graders pancakes (out of box) the other day and not one was eaten.
ReplyDeleteHmmmm, I don't know if I can offer much. I bake muffins from the Tesco website and my friend does the same, but mine rise and hers don't. I use proper muffin cases and she doesn't. So she bought some ad they rose. Not sure if that's why but it seemed to help. I am oants at baking but I just follow the recipe and they seem ok. Maybe Tesco is magic??
ReplyDeleteAnd, I would love the details of that book you mentioned in your comment. Then I can get it on Amazon rather than you spending a fortune on postage!! (So behind as my internets been down but your comment was fab.)
Hugs lovely. Hope all is well. xx
I made some once that were dense and hard but tasty and I realised I forgot to use 'self rising flour'. When I made them with the proper flour they were fine.
ReplyDeleteI voted for 'kids like 'em so whats the problem' by the way :)
Maybe you need a muffin top to bake perfect muffins? Forget it, love, you'll never have a muffin top. :-) xx
ReplyDeleteMaybe try a different recipe? I'm the last to give advice :) Fun post with a poll :) XOL
ReplyDeleteI haven't read through all the comments so I apologize if I'm repeating someone. Most American recipes call for baking soda. Substitute it with baking powder. Seriously. It won't make all the difference, but it will be a start.