Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The MADs awards 2011

Oh, you lovely, lovely peeps. You've nominated me for the MADs awards 2011. I am in the list of nominees for the categories "Best Writer" and "Most Inspiring".

I didn't actually check ALL the categories, so if you nominated me for my extensive food writing, or my numerous craft ideas, then please do let me know. And if you nominated me as "best small business blog" or "best pregnancy blog", then I strongly suggest you get some new reading glasses.

Thank you, bloggy friends.



  1. Ooh, that is so fun. Congratulations on your nominations :) XOL

  2. It's so well-deserved (and you're welcome...) x

  3. Of course I nominated you for best pregnancy AND best small business blog... ;)

  4. Very well deserved, and very best of luck

  5. I didn't find you in any of those categories when I looked at the list of nominees, but I'm sure you are there somewhere....
