Friday, March 11, 2011

Medical result

I recently had a Dexa scan. At least I think it's called that. It checks your bone density. It's a routine thing which they do for women of my sort of age, to check if you are showing signs of developing osteoporosis. The scan, said my doctor, would give me a benchmark. Yay for benchmarks.

I got the results in a letter from the doctor's office. It said the findings were 'normal'. Which is always nice to hear.

This last week I was at the doctor's about something else (a sports physical for 13-yo, since you ask), and I wanted to know more about the Dexa results. It struck me that 'normal' wasn't going to be a very helpful benchmark. "Do they give you a number, which you translate into 'normal', or do they just tell you 'normal'?"

"They just tell me 'normal'," he replied. "And I have to tell you, I don't often see that. Usually they ask for more tests to be done."

"Hmm..." I said. "So it's not 'normal' then. If you don't see it very often, it's not 'normal'. I think it should be 'good'."

"Well", said the doc, "It's 'normal' in the sense that it means there's nothing to worry about."

I'm on a mission though now. "But if you don't have many people who get 'normal', then I think it shouldn't be 'normal'. It isn't 'normal' unless that's a kind of average. If it's unusual to be 'normal', I think they should call it 'good'. Or couldn't it even be 'excellent'? I'm wanting a gold star here."

I think it's to do with being a third child. And having had too many medical tests in the not-too-distant past.

"OK", says my nice doctor. "I'll call it a gold star, then. You got a gold star."

I love my doctor.



  1. *amused* Thanks, I needed that. :-)

  2. I had one of those a few years ago. Can I have a gold star too?

  3. So pleased for you, Iota. It sounds normal to me.

    Fingers crossed for my CT scan that I'm waiting for (because of a bout of unexplained abdominal pain.)
    Maggie X

    Nuts in May

  4. I can just imagine my doctor's reaction if I tried to have that convo with him!!
    Your doctor rocks, and you're a scream!
    Congrats on the gold star!

  5. Reminds me of one of my favourite quotes: "Satisfactory is not good enough". (Possibly Ed Balls, possibly Christine Gilbert, Head of Ofsted).

    Or in your case: Normal is much better than average.

    Don't you love the English language?

  6. I like to know the numbers too - especially as I have too much experience with health providers mislaying my records. I like to keep my own!

    I had a couple of bone density scans done as part of a research study several years ago and really all you need to know is if you are in the 'normal' (or nothing to worry about) range or not.

  7. I had a similar conversation years ago when I worked in HR. Everyone seemed to be getting above average appraisal grades (because their appraisals were tied to salary increases), and I was trying to scrap the whole system. My rationale was that if everyone was coming out as above average, it was really just average. Didn't seem to make my point very well though.

  8. Good for you! I like your moxy!

  9. I'd much rather be gold star than normal!!!!

  10. Ah. But what is normal? And who is normal? This could go on a while .... I think it does means you don't need to worry, except about the concept of that is normal and how do we measure normality. *goes round in circles*

  11. I was given quite a lot of detail in the UK. was told what each score meant & how I compared to a woman of the same age, a woman of the same age but with an early menopause & what the range is etc. It was incredibly helpful. The GP cd read/understand the results as well as the radiographer AND the menopasue consultant telling me. Sorry yrs wasn't more forthcoming.

  12. So you are not normal then. I could have told you that before ;-)

  13. Well, I guess I must have been normal then. I didn't get a gold star - I got a tablet to take once a week. I'd much rather have a gold star!

  14. I recently mentioned to a GP here that I may have done something stupid. He nodded. Best GP ever. I am afollowing you. I hope you don't mind the stalking, but you've made me laugh twice;)
