Friday, November 13, 2009

Pea coat, the song on everyone's lips

Once upon a time, in a kingdom far, far away, the King and Queen of Coats decided to have a party.

A good time was being had by all, but the festivities were getting a bit out of hand, and things were becoming wild. In an attempt to control the chaos, the King decided to get the coats into small groups. He hoped that getting each together with its own kind would calm things down, so he arranged them by category, shouting out instructions. Unfortunately, at this late stage in the proceedings, some of the coats were beyond even knowing for sure what kind of a coat they were.

So the King got his Royal Trumpeters to gain silence with a catchy little fanfare that they'd learnt way back at Trumpet Pre-school, and announced in his most regal tones:

"If you're a pea, and you know it, clap your hands".

I make this up as I go along, you know. I'm sorry. It's just what I do. I should get out more.



  1. Ho ho! I wonder how the non-pea coats felt about singing that song? Did it create a riot? I expect the jackets got in a flap, the scarves 'stole' a march & the boas had their feathers ruffled, but I expect the great-coats thought it was fabulous. As for the mackintoshes they said "what a shower" and left in disgust.

  2. Exactly. That is exactly what happened. The duffles were ruffled, the trench coats tried to save the day by digging in, the bomber jackets came up with a plan, but it... failed.
    As for the donkey jackets, they made complete asses of themselves.

  3. How can anybody match Iota's comment? I won't even's far to early.

  4. The pea coat has obviously had quite an effect! I think you should buy clothes more often. It has put a definite swing in your step and we all need a bit of that. Your post made me smile this morning!

  5. Why were they beyond knowing what they were? Too many te-pea-la slammers?

  6. Doesn't the song go 'if you're happy and you know it, slap your friends'?

  7. I seem to have stumbled into a parallel universe... ;)

    Iota, thank you honey for the virtual hug after my last blog post. It was a dark evening & I really needed the support I found on-line x

  8. Peak Oat?

    (guess who)

  9. "To pea or not to pea that is the question" - i think you should write childrens fiction you have quite a flare :)
