Friday, February 27, 2009


There are moments here that I love. They are the moments when I pause and think

"That would never have happened if we'd stayed in Britain".

At preschool, 4-yo has been learning about the desert. On my kitchen wall I have a cut-out and coloured-in armadillo, coyote, lizard and rattlesnake. Also an unidentified bird with a newspaper tail, and some kind of warthog cut out of sandpaper. When I picked her up the other morning, I asked her what she'd had for her snack. She replied,

"Prickly pear jelly on crackers."

That was definitely one of those moments. And because I know you're going to ask, yes, she did like it. She said it was delicious.


  1. Prickly pear jelly? Well I never. On the other hand, my little one didn't know what a badger was the other day!

  2. I have no idea what prickly pear jelly is. I hate to be totally british but why would jelly be on a cracker anyway? It is probably something that has passed me by completely.

    All sounds very exotic from here in Bucks....heheheh

  3. Jelly is jam Tawny - though I wouldn't put jam on a cracker either!

  4. Life in Britain sounds dull in comparison. There is nothing quite as interesting on my kitchen wall.

  5. I just feel sorry for the poor jelly makers having to get through the prickles to get to the fruit. I've eaten prickly pears (never as jelly, jam or any other spreadable thing). Tastes like you imagine eating a cactus would be like

  6. Ha - my kids love crackers with Jelly :) Sometimes I'll even put PB and Jelly on there! When in Rome, I say :)

    I just had to go and correct a REALLY embarrassing typo on my last blog post after reading this by the way :D

  7. You're right. We don't get that in south kensington...

  8. Sounds a bit painful! She sounds like an adventurous eater, I envy you. My Sprog is a bugger for not trying new things.Any tips?
    Mya x

  9. I find the word "jelly" is a big minefield, the difference in meaning in the US and UK is huge!

  10. I would love pictures of coyotes on my wall - can you get her to do another one and send it to me?

  11. Prickly Pear? Really? I thought it was just in the Jungle Book; you know, "if you pick a paw paw, or a prickly pear....."

    Nice to see the differences from a child's perspective.

  12. What does it taste like? Ordinary pears? How intriguing! By the way, I have been meaning to drop by for ages. I was Red Rum at Definitely Stopping at Two in a previous posting life!

    Wv is prose - good eh?

  13. My Four also learns amazing things over here. And what IS IT WITH THE CRACKERS? The eternal snack for the under 5's! That and the endless trail of cheerios that can lead one to any number of small children, like Hansel and Gretel in the forest.
    Here in California we do have badgers although they don't look like our lovely black and white ones, and we have to be careful to bring our cat in at night so he isn't carried off and eaten by a coyote, just like in the Road Runner cartoons.
