I've abbreviated the blurb a little, because I'm a bit shy of these things. The heart of it is this: This award focuses not on the glory and fanfare of blogging, but in the PROXIMITY to one another through this online-world. This blog invests and believes in the PROXIMITY--nearness in space, time and relationships. These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement!
This is obviously hogwash as I am totally interested in both prizes and self-aggrandizement (although I'd rather it was spelt with an 's' - aggrandizement that is, not prizes). And as for 'the glory and fanfare of blogging', well, I'd definitely be going for a slice of that, if only I knew where to find it.
Proximity. Yes. I have found lots of that through blogging, though not 'in space, time and relationships'. Proximity of experience. The feeling that if I type some mad thought and send it out there, someone, some lovely person, will write a comment saying "ooh, I know just what you mean". And if I am blog-browsing, I never have to roam far before I find a description of an event that has happened to me, or a reflection, or a feeling, beautifully crafted into words better than my own could have been.
Proximity over great distance. That is exactly what blogging is all about for me, and let me tell you, when you are transported to another continent and expected to make sense of the experience, blogging is gold dust.
There are, of course, a dillion people who I could pass the award on to. I'm going to choose Potty Mummy and Reluctant Memsahib, because one day, one glorious day, we are going to put proximity into action, and come together from three different continents to meet for tea and cakes at Patisserie Valerie on Marylebone High Street. It's not an exclusive occasion. Anyone can join us - in the future reality, or in the current anticipation (which actually, I suspect is just as good).
And Rotten Correspondent, because she and I have just found out that last year, we were in the same city for a week-end, and we didn't know it. We could have met. In real life. Physical proximity: it's no good unless you know about it at the time.
Iota, thankyou! I don't know what to say other than this time - this time - I am going to make sure I go straight back to my blog and install it on my sidebar. And then I am going to get in touch with you an RM and find out just when we are going to meet up (Come on - don't tell me you haven't planned your summer holidays already! Isn't that what January is for?). This award is particularly relevant right now and just today Moscow reached out a cold finger and tapped me on the shoulder again... (Just a tap, but she doesn't give up).
ReplyDeleteThank you, thank you! I'm especially touched by this because I read your other two winners religiously, although, as we all know, my commenting skills are lacking. Can I hitch along with you for that tri-continental meeting? I promise to behave. Well, kind of.
ReplyDeleteAnd just the fact that we were in the same city once gives me hope that we can be again. Maybe - dare I mention it - we could actually plan it, like adults and everything. I think that would be just...fabulous.
love your blog. sorry for the winters that the midwest is offering you- leaves a lot to be desired!
ReplyDeleteiota - thank you. you have no idea how, on this morning in particular, such proximity makes me feel a little less desperate. i shall look forward enormously to meeting you and pm in pv xo
ReplyDeleteWell deserved.
ReplyDeleteIota, I'd love to meet you at Patisserie Valerie - or if not, somewhere equally delicious in Manhattan once I'm out in the States and if you ever get a chance to go East....
Hey if it involves real coffee and patisserie rather than virtual ones, I'm up for it.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the award. And you nearly met RC, blimey, you have to go for that.
ReplyDeleteWe need to do a massive half way blog meet somewhere in the middle of the ocean or something. Anyone got a boat? There are so many bloggers in other countries I would love to meet. Sighhhh.
Hi Iota - have 'photo tagged' you over at mine..
ReplyDeleteDid someone say cake?
ReplyDeleteMya x
Proper expat indeed! I think the real long-term wives of Hong Kong would have something to say about that. However, I don't think I usually wait for the sun to get over anything before pouring that first drink!
ReplyDeleteyum, please may i come for tea and cakes?? even tho i'm a shameful part-time blogger, and not promiscuous like Potty m. Prolific. I meant prolific.
ReplyDeleteanyway, muy bien on your award.
err, am i a proper expat wife too?? I bought something from Joules last week, does that count??! ;-)
Please please please please can I come to Patisserie Valerie?!?! I nearly wept when I read that, it has been so long since I have been and immediately mentally earmarked at least three pastries and two large cappuccinos for myself and A BABYSITTER.
ReplyDeleteYes, proximity. The blogging community is a real isolation buster isn't it, when one is so far from like-minded souls? Sometimes I feel I fell asleep and woke up at some kind of tupperware party from hell.
Now I can't get cake out of my head. I'm just off to open and close the (empty) fridge a few times..