Sunday, May 11, 2008

Blog anniversary

Most bloggers do some kind of special post on their blogiversary. Mine will be 21st May, but sadly I won’t be able to post, since I’ll be in England and internet accessless (unless I am hunched over the computer in the local public library, which I guess is not beyond the bounds of possibility). It won’t be a tidy 100 posts (that would be clever), but I’m getting on that way – this is my 83rd.

It seems to be the thing to refer back to one’s first post, and here is mine. Things haven’t changed much. I have a house to organize and clean before we leave for Britain, since someone is kindly house-sitting and that does raise the bar a little in terms of cleanliness. I have long given up any thought of a perfect house; a half-way adequate one will do, but that is still some way off. I have suitcases to pack. I have laundry to do. I have excited children wanting my attention. I have the nagging realization that there is schoolwork to be finished. I have a sinus infection which makes me feel as if my head is full of putty, and as if the world is heavier and slower than usual. I have got to decant essential liquids into 3oz bottles for the flight. I have got to find a store that sells 3oz leak-proof bottles (which isn't as easy as you'd think). I have 4 days to go till we fly, and I am sitting here typing a blog post. As I said, things haven’t changed much.


  1. Iota we have the same blogiversary. My first post is extremely cheesy though, so I might point people in that direction or I might not. Have a brill time back here, and enjoy a noce bottle of something on the 21st. I know I will. :D

  2. Will you be in Edinburgh at all on your trip across the pond? Perhaps we could meet for a bloggers' coffee - there's Mother at Large of course, (if she's not confined to other more pressing activities) and Erica form Little Mummy and Vanessa from Fidra Books...

  3. An early Happy Blogaversary!

    Thanks for your kind comments. Sorry your about your sinus infection -- as one who gets them regularly I can appreciate how nasty they are. Hope your right as rain soon. Safe travels...

  4. If you can't find little bottles to decant things into, most drug stores are now selling what looks like samples, but are just 3oz or less, so that you can take 'em through security. What a pain eh? Just remember not to all wear complicated shoes - slip on or Velcro is the key these days.

  5. Let me know if you find those leak proof bottles, Iota. If I have to wipe out the inside of the nappy bag one more time...

    Good luck with the flight, btw!

  6. Happy bloversary! I missed mine due to infrequency of posting...

  7. Be sure to take care of yourself, i.e., the sinus infection, before you get on the plane. Blocked sinuses can be a real misery during air flights.

    Have a wonderful trip.

  8. I hope you have a wonderful trip and that your sinuses behave. And a very happy blogiversary to you!

  9. oh sweet Iota, you are probably sailing across the atlantic (pacific? should have listened in school) as we speak.
    Sail on silvergirl,
    Sail on by.
    Your time has come to shine.
    All your dreams are on their way.
    See how they shine.
    If you need a friend
    Im sailing right behind.

    I was going to add the bit about me being able to ease your pain, but honestly? the only way i know to ease pain is via la bouteille.

    DO say hi to Charles a paris for me won't you??!!


  10. Congratulations and have a wonderful trip home :-)

  11. Happy blogiversary! You have just made me realise i have missed mine - it was on 3 May - oh well!

    Have a great trip - you will be very much missed - please post whilst you are away!

    And thank you for making me laugh

    (god, do i sound like a creep??!)


  12. See you on Sunday! Love Josephine

  13. Hey Ioata!
    Happy Anniversary!
    Think you're brill!
