Saturday, October 27, 2012

Meet Hector

We have a puppy! He is a cocker spaniel (English cocker spaniels are a bit smaller than American cockers, for my US readers). He is a blue roan, which is breeder-speak for speckledy grey with black and white patches. Here he is.

There are two things that I've learnt about puppies. The first is that they are very hard to photograph, especially if they have black faces, because then it looks as if they don't have eyes. So forgive me the quality of the pictures in this post. The second is that they won't bother about getting house trained, if you don't bother. A lot. A very lot.

Apart from the house training issue (which is my fault, really, because I just can't build my life round taking a dog outside every 20 minutes, and what progress I'd made, we lost when half-term started and my eye was even less on the house training ball than before), he is a pleasure. He is fun, confident, unbelievably cute, and as 8-yo commented the other day "has brought a lot of joy to our lives". Most of our lives, in any case. I could say all but one of our lives... Looking at you here, Husband... You'll bond with him in time... Trust me...

I do particularly like the fact that he is good at nights. I wasn't looking forward to having to get up in the night to a barking or whining puppy, or those horribly early mornings when the puppy body clock says "day begins now". But Hector has got me up only once in the night. From night one, when we firmly shut the kitchen door, and the bedroom door, and didn't borrow a baby monitor, he settled well. He settles in the evening, and even though he hears us next door in the sitting room, he will put himself to bed in the kitchen, not even being offended if I go in to make a cup of tea. When half-term began, I predicted that his body clock would still be on school hours, but he only barks when he hears us get up. Of course the kitchen floor is littered with unwelcome surprises, but I'll happily mop those up if it means I've had an extra hour or two in bed.

I don't really know what else to tell you about Hector (for such is his name). Oh, except that he was clearly destined to be ours. I'd already short-listed Hector as a name (remember that blog post?). We'd decided on a cocker, a male, and my first choice was a blue roan. When I phoned a breeder, I asked if there were any males in the litter, and any blue roans. The breeder replied "There's only one blue roan boy. He's very inquisitive so we've nick-named him Hector the Inspector". We went to see the litter, and fell in love with Hector, but the children also fell for another, whom they nick-named Cuddles. Cuddles, an orange roan (brown and white), was the shy, timid puppy who pulled at heartstrings. The other puppies gambolled about, while Cuddles got tired, and simply fell asleep in the middle of the floor. So we went off to have a coffee and discuss the issue. I phoned the breeder, said we were still choosing between the two, and asked if we could come and have another look, (though I told the children that Hector was my first choice, as I preferred to have a confident rather than a timid dog). But while we had been having coffee, the next buyer - who had said he wanted one of the all-black puppies from the litter - had chosen orange roan Cuddles instead. So Hector was ours! It was meant to be.

Here are another couple of pictures of him. Bless his little, soft, furry, blue roan heart.


  1. I have been waiting for this post about yr new pup! Looks adorable. yes house training seems to go on forever, but it does eventually happen. My husband wanted a big dog yet is more potty than any of us about our dog now. (& picks her up all the time & cuddles her - you cdn't do that with a big dog!) And it is so true, our dog has also brought so much joy & laughter too, to our lives. I wdn't miss it for the world! I hope Hector & Bingo meet one day:o)

  2. Oh, he is darling, and does seem destined for you! He seems like a very reasonable puppy, and I'm sure the house training will be finished before you know it. We crate-trained all of our dogs, which was nice when they got older and wanted a spot of their own to escape from the loving attentions of the children. Our own dog is in Canada for the duration while we live in Seoul, and we miss him awfully. So nice to enjoy yours vicariously!

  3. He's so gorgeous! We already have a dog, but my 12yo has been asking for a puppy for ages..better make sure she doesn't see this!

  4. He looks soooo cute. Oh, I can increasingly see a dog in our future - but only when we head back to the UK.

  5. Sorry - my son seems to have signed in with my blogger thingy. You might want to ignore St Ace. Anyway, was just going to say - the puppy is gorgeous.

  6. Awwwwwww! I would love a cocker spaniel! What a little cutie.

  7. He is precious!! I have always thought the English cockers look nothing like the American version. And I think English dogs are automatically better behaved for some reason - therefore, I told my husband we must get a puppy here before we move back to the US. Woof, Laura

  8. I love my dog, my girls is a the end of her life, and you're got so much time to have fun together. Enjoy xx

  9. What a cute pup! In the second photo he looks a bit guilty! I wonder what he had just done, :)

  10. Love love love Hector. Have had a few cocker spaniels (English) in my time, including blue roan - Hector is just gorgeous. Hooray for expanded families!

    LCM x

  11. Awwwww. Awwww. AWWWWWW. I'd so love to have a puppy, especially a cocker spaniel. They are gorgeous. Guess that'll have to wait...

  12. He looks so lovely, ahhhh, makes your heart melt.

  13. oh my gosh he is cute. that hang-dog expression.... it took us about three months to get rosie totally housebroken. her last, last, last pee in the house, though, was spectacular: doug was changing the sheets on our bed and she ran upstairs, ran into the bedroom, squatted on the duvet, and let loose. ah well we needed a new duvet anyway. and she has not had an accident since.
    good luck with hector! oh he is gorgeous.
