Wednesday, November 16, 2011

What I would love about my blog if I were you

A cheeky little title, I know.

This is what I would love about reading Iota's blog, if I were one of you. When I started blogging, it was because I was struggling to make sense of living in a new culture. I was beginning to make 'real life' friends, but that seems to take forever in a new place, and I was lonely. Blogging was an addiction, which in itself isn't bad (hey, who'd be reading this if blogging wasn't a little addictive now and again?), but at that time, I think the addiction spoke of isolation and unhappiness.

Then I had cancer. Remember that? I guess my blog was hard to read at that time. You must have been holding your breath, wondering what the next thing was going to be. Hoping I was going to be ok. Feeling the fear in my situation, even though I was so darn upbeat and jolly about it all, and trying not to let those fears of mine hook into your own buried ones.

The past couple of years have seen a rebuilding of life. But I'm not just back where I started. That was something I really resented about cancer. I was wailing internally "I just want my life back", while at the same time knowing that it was never going to be the same again. But ooh, get me (as they say... well... as I say anyway). I like my life a lot a lot a lot now. I've got a green card. I've got a job (I mistyped that as "I've got a nob", which made me laugh). I love my job. I'm doing a Masters degree. I love my Masters degree. I love how you always see it written with a capital M. Why is that, I wonder? I don't see why it deserves a capital. I actually love living in America (I hear the gasps of surprise followed by the cheering). I am happy. I am content.

You've probably spotted that I don't blog as much. You've guessed that I'm just too busy at the moment. The recycling of a couple of old posts was a bit of a giveaway. Yes, I'm busy, and my blog is getting a little neglected. But don't you even love that about it?

So that's what I would love about my blog if I were you. It's the story of a chunk of a life's journey that was a down and an up, a valley and a journey out of it. I would find that hopeful and heartening. It's more than that, though. It's the story within the story that I like. I feel a difference in myself. I've grown as a person so much over the past 4.5 years (yup, that's how long I've been blogging). I like myself more than I used to. I wonder if you can tell. I wonder if you sniff it out, in the gaps between the words on the screen, in the spaces between one post and the next.

And of course that's what I love about your blogs I've followed over the years. The tales of your lives: the narratives, but more so, the stories of who you are, who you were, and who you're becoming, which somehow, through the magic of writing, leak through the typewritten word.


  1. I love all those things about your blog. And I love that you're busy and happy and content - even if I do miss your posts. But the thing about your posts is that they are such good quality, you can savour them like a special treat. Or a fine wine, perhaps!

  2. Couldn't put it better myself - I LOVE your blog!

  3. I've only been reading your blog for 18 months or so, but when I first found it, I went back to the beginning and spent hours reading and catching up, and then (of course) was officially hooked! It's been quite a roller-coaster, which you've handled with grace and aplomb...I'm so glad you're in a good place right now and enjoying your Master's degree studies!

  4. You have summed up blogging very well and I love yours for the reasons you give.

  5. I love your take on blogging. Seeing lives unfold through the everyday and not so everyday.

  6. I think your last paragraph sume it up perfectly. I like to visit different blogs - some for the images, some because they portray a life that is very different from mine, but usually I like the blogs that tell a story. Thank you for sharies your stories.

  7. I don't read your blog often enough. For me, it is always witty and insightful and brings a smile to my face. What more can you ask?

  8. Thanks for reminding me that I'm supposed to be a blogger and that I need to write that last religion post. I like your blog because you're often as confused as I am. Embrace it.

  9. You know we have had such similar journeys since we arrived on these shores. The initial transition, I didn't have cancer but I almost died due to a thyroid storm and then I had 2 years of hell before radiation made me better. And now I am also about to start a new career, funny huh lol!

    And of course we were at school together lol!

  10. What a fantastic post - and you've summed it up so well. And you've made me think - perhaps I should be blogging less...

  11. I'm with you on the blogging less at the moment. I seem to have lost my mojo (again). But I love your blog because I know your story and genuinely want to know how you're getting on. So perfect summary

  12. It's all that. But it's also that from day one of reading it I thought "but I really like this woman"... So it's all that, but it's you too.

    Gush gush.

    Gosh how un-British of me.

  13. Oh, bless you.
    I love it because you're honest, and in the time I've been reading it I feel I've got to know you. Again I suppose this is the case for many of the blogs I love - it's the ones where the writer's soul comes through that make me keep reading.
    Please don't disappear completely even if you *are* busy...

  14. I love your blog for all those reasons and one more; because you are such a good writer and a pleasure to read, however deep or light your topic.

    Love the photo in the header by the way!

  15. Yes...... I love all those things about your blog. The sharing of good as well as bad. I think best thing of all is because you come across as someone who is so real and not just a plastic outer coating.
    Maggie X

    Nuts in May

  16. I love your blog, especially as, now that I know you, I can see you writing it. I can really see you chuckling at the "nob" too! x

  17. Hi Iota,

    Cam here from Manifest on behalf of the fabulous, the home to thousands of unique gift ideas from small creative businesses. I hope you're well? First off I just wanted to say I love the blog. You’ve got some beautiful pictures in your ‘Autumn’ post :)

    I was hoping to get a contact email from you as I have some exciting news about Christmas for expats this year. I hope that's OK?

    Thanks in advance!

  18. I love this post just like I have always loved your blog, Iota. I can't begin to tell you how thrilled to bits I am to read something so positive. Yes, I remember when you had cancer and I remember when you closed comments on your blog for a while. I suspect we all do. I can tell you are a lot more content now. It comes through in your writing and your cheeky title. But your blog is the only link I have with you, so do dip in now and again and let us all know about the happy times. We'd miss you otherwise. xxx

  19. Actually, confession, I liked you before I even read your blog, because you were the first person to read & comment on MY blog & you were my 1st cyber buddy! Your blog was a fringe benefit to all that:o)
