When you lot all meet up (I am a non-blogger; I just lurk at others blogs) do you call each other Potty, Nappy, HomeOfficeMum or whatever, or do you find out each other's real names and use them, and then is it weird to come back to blogosphere names again?
Yes, that is an interesting point. Who am I at CyberMummy? At this point, I want to witter off into pages and pages of musings about identity, because this is an aspect of blogging that I find truly fascinating. But I'll restrain myself, or I'll restrain Iota at any rate (aaargh, see what I mean...), and I'll just answer the question, and then let you all answer it too.
When I introduced myself to people I didn't know at CyberMummy, waggling my lanyard in front of them, I tended to say "I'm Iota, my blog is The Iota Quota, my real name is Myrealname". But that didn't happen very often because honestly I wasn't all that interested in meeting new random people. I was either with people I knew, or looking out specifically for people I wanted to meet. A couple of friends I already knew did ask me at CyberMummy "would you rather be Iota or Yourrealname?", and I replied that either was fine. That's honestly how I feel. I answer to either name. In the context of CyberMummy, I suppose I felt more easy with the name Iota. It's who I am in the blogging world. And I really like the name. I like it more than Myrealname, actually.
That probably answers your second question too, "Josephine". For me, it's not weird at all to skip from one name to the other. I'm quite happy being Myrealname in a conversation, and then commenting the following day on someone's post as Iota. I'm just a crazy mixed-up kid.
What about the rest of you? Did you use your real names, and if so, how did it feel reverting to your blog name in the blogosphere? If you email blogging friends, do you use your blog name or your real name? And how does having a twitter handle add to the mix?
This is such a great cybermummy post Iota. I didn't attend this year but meeting you last year on the "annon" lunch table was a highlight for me. I totally agree with your take on how to address bloggers. I'm MD to my blogging pals (even when they have crossed over to real life friends) and I like it. I can skip between that and the real name without worry. Except when I try to sign emails from the real me with MD. Always managed to notice before I hit send so far but it's just a matter of time....
ReplyDeleteMD xx
I only use my real real name for work, the rest of the time I'm Carie and that's built into my online self so it's easy. The odd bit is choosing whether to refer to my husband or daughter by their real or blog names. It's strange really, in no other circumstance would we think twice about using a real name when meeting a stranger. Perhaps it's because these not so strangers already know so much about us it's a way to find balance.
ReplyDeleteI blog under my real name but for a while I belonged to a forum and had a nickname on there. We all became friendly and started to meet up in person, and when that happened, I was inevitably introduced by my forum name - which was a really silly one! I told everyone my real name but some still use that silly nickname. I guess it's hard to shake a name when that's how people first came to know you.
ReplyDeleteVery interesting post. I have two online personas, Corioboria and MotivatingmumUK. Either of those are fine by me - I have quite a few blog friends who I'm sure would find it odd to call me Debbie. But I came out at Cybermummy with my real name too. I don't think I have many real friends who read my blog so it doesn't matter to me.
ReplyDeleteI flipflop back and forth between Lerner and Stay At Home Babe without even noticing. For the first six months or so, I blogged anonymously but I got past that pretty quickly. My twitter handle is StayAtHomeBabe, so that doesn't change much. Usually I introduce myself as both and then it just kind of sorts itself out. A lot of my online friends have taken to calling me Babe. I find everyone else difficult to keep straight in my head and I just remember their face.
ReplyDeleteI blog anonymously so I've been really pleased that other bloggers have respected that, and once they've learned my real name they don't use it on twitter/comments/blog posts.
ReplyDeleteAt Cybermummy I knew a lot of bloggers' real names and used them. I didn't recogise a lot of people until I read their name tag though - yourself included! - and then tried to remember their real name.
It was lovely to meet you Iota (real name!) and hope to meet you again next year x
I would probably feel easier about being called 'Potty' if it wasn't 'Potty'. 'PM' is fine, but I probably do prefer myrealname, if I'm honest. But then I never expected to have to introduce myself as Potty when I chose it as a blog name - it being meant to be anonymous and all (cue hollow laughter...).
ReplyDeleteI think of you as Potski, since your move to Moscow. Can't remember who suggested that, but in my mind, it stuck!
ReplyDeleteShe's Potski for me too, again don't know who suggested it
ReplyDeleteI tend to introduce myself as Firstname Muddling which feels a bit strange but hopefully covers it off. Or I mutter something and wave a name badge around. Not terribly good at that aspect to be honest
Lovely to meet you
Hmm. I may have to meet up with some other bloggers to figure out how I would react. I've been wondering the same thing about pen names for authors. It must be a bit odd to sign a different name than the one you sign checks with.
ReplyDeleteI was even more confused as I introduced myself as Home Office Mum, my real name and my company name for those bloggers who'd worked with me in a PR capacity. It's like having a multiple personality disorder.
ReplyDeleteAnd you sound like you work for the Home Office too!
ReplyDeleteOk, confession, even though we email regularly, I just cannot get used to you being Realname. I think of you as Iota & have to stop myself addressing you as Iota. I have often written that until I remembered it wasn't your 'real name' & changed it. So that's a big relief, I can call you Iota freely without worrying now. Thank you for clearing this up.
ReplyDeleteIF........ I ever went to one of these functions...... I would be my blog name!
ReplyDeleteFascinating post.
Maggie X
Nuts in May
Im an anonymous blogger ,although some other bloggers do know my real name but I've never met them in real life. I wouldn't mind people using my real name as BNM/ Barenakedmummy would be a mouthful but then so is my real name (its Welsh!)
I use my real name in the online world anyway, I really am called Heather. But I have wondered what to call people when I meet them in RL. I don't think i've ever met anyone who didn't want to tell me their real name though.
ReplyDeleteI was gutted to hear you went to Cybermummy and met up with some others beforehand and I didn't get to meet you! I should have come over after all.
Fake name. But this time no wig. And sorry I missed you!
ReplyDeleteI have forgotten my real name.
ReplyDeleteAll I have now is a vintage swim cap and a wetsuit to remind me who I am.
Oh, hang on, that's not who I am. Or am I?
Hello? Who are you, sorry, me... yes, that's right...
*wanders off to seek identity somewhere else*
I can't speak to this yet, as I haven't been blogging long enough for it to come up. But when/if I have the opportunity, I will let you know!
ReplyDeleteYes it's funny isn't it. I didn't go to Cybermummy this year but I did go last year (was sitting with you and MD on the annon table) and was surprised to find myself answering to the name Gappy as if it really were my own.
ReplyDeleteNow this post has got me thinking that maybe I should have chosen a more flattering online name. I've always thought Iota was very lovely. But then Gappy is just kind of me really....
Hmmm. Food for thought.
I will always think of you as Iota!