Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Vlog music

This is a salute to Tom. He is Elsie Button's husband, and father of Betty and Phil Mitchell (sorry, in-joke that only regular readers of Elsie's blog will get. Hang on, I hate in-jokes on blogs. They can be so excluding. You can read about it here). The marvellous Tom worked out what song I was wanting to use as backing music to my vlog about the vegetable juicer. It was Love Fool, by The Cardigans. As Tom realised, my words bear no resemblance to the original, and that could explain why I couldn't find the song in all my web searches. Even the most intelligent web search engine can't read my mind (although I expect it won't be long before they invent that).

It is a great song, though, so I'm putting it here to get y'all toe-tapping. But when the chorus comes round, you've got to try the new Iota lyrics, (which, frankly, are much better). Remember, it's

"Hold me, Squeeze me, Don't ever leave me".

Embedding a youtube video? Ha, easy peasy yesterday's news for us vloggers!

Thank you, Tom!

And another thing - thank you all so much for your lovely affirming comments. Have to admit it was quite scary putting that vlog up. I'm glad you like my voice. People have told me before that I have a nice voice, but I've never liked it myself. I didn't like it anyway, and then a French teacher said "Oh la la, tu as une vrai probleme au niveau des voyelles" (you have a real problem at the level of your vowels - the French are always talking about levels of things) which probably didn't help, given the fact that I remember that comment to this day - there's a clue in there somewhere.

And in answer to those of you who asked, can I witter on ad infinitum? I think the answer would have to be... yes.



  1. Gulp - I didn't think you were whittering at the time, but I was very impressed that there were no errors or pauses. You're a natural. Of course, after 6 takes I should hope so!
    I love this song too.

  2. Tom is beaming!! And playing Love Fool v v loudly
