Sunday, November 4, 2007

Another puzzle

Whilst I've been puzzling about aseptic drinks, people out there have larger questions on their minds.

I've got a sitemeter, and this is what happens when a blogger gets a sitemeter. They find out what weird and wonderful search terms people put into Google, to land up on their blog. Then they write a blog post about it. This is mine.

Not wrong, just different is full of pretty mundane subject matter, it must be said, and those who land up here by mistake are mostly people interested in cures for verrucas or ways of dealing with bugs and critters. They won't get much by way of an answer to their problems, but they may be comforted to know they're not alone. Hello, if you're one of them.

The Pledge of Allegiance has attracted the largest number of unintentional visitors. There is one that has got a whole story behind it; I just wish I knew what the story was. Someone typed into Google "How can I pledge allegiance to him when he can't pledge allegiance to the US?" Oh my dear girl (I assume you're a girl), I wish I could help. You knew, though, well before you hit the return button, that a Google search wasn't going to give you an answer to that one, didn't you?


  1. Funny! I enjoy checking out what search terms bring people to my site as well. Never cease to be amazed at what people are trying to research...

  2. The one that seems to bring most people into my site is a New York - Paris post. Try typing New York into Google maps and then set off for Paris...

  3. I never cease to be amazed at the kind of things that people search for. Someone found my blog by typing, "the most violent great dane photos". Ummm...scary?

  4. That sounds like a nice wholesome search to me. My blog regularly disappoints people on the look out for all manner of interesting and colourful activities (none of which I'm going to list here because I don't want them to start loitering on your blogstep too!)

    Mya x

  5. oh I don't know, I'm often tempted to put in, 'how can i be thinner, still eat tons of chocolate, lose all my wrinkles, get my book published and earn a million pounds?'

    who knows, someone out there may have the answer!

  6. Why didn't I think of this before? You'd make a really good agony aunt, Iota. Kindly, sensible, witty. Interested in people, in a gentle non-scary way. Qualities you'd look for in an agony aunt. You could help that girl. Really!

  7. I'm always thrown when I see searches like that!

  8. You don't think it might be from Gordon Brown worried about one of his closest political allies failing to share his pro US stance? But then again....Anyway, many congrats on exciting new source of material. Why don't you become google agony aunt, resolving just such dilemmas in those many spare minutes you have between doing things and agonising about them (or is that just me).

  9. No we just want to hear about HALLOWEEN

    Get on with it, world has stopped turning in expectation !
