Monday, May 30, 2011

Getting better

Well, ten out of ten to those of you who said "it's jetlag, give it a few days". It was jetlag, I gave it a few days.

I've been walking in the beautiful green Buckinghamshire countryside. Oh heaven. I've been eating too much (why does my mother think I don't feed myself properly, though the evidence of the last 30 years would suggest otherwise?) I've introduced my husband and my two oldest kids to the board game that was my total favourite as a child and that still lives in the games chest at my mother's house. A few rounds of Careers has cheered me up no end. There's nothing like a quick dabble in Politics, Hollywood, Farming, Big Business, and Uranium Prospecting to make you feel purposeful in life. Ah, if only real life was like Careers. You decide how much money, fame and happiness you need to win, and then you set about achieving it by shaking the dice and landing on the appropriate squares. A glorious mix of tactics and luck, but mostly luck, both good and bad. I've always loved that game, and it seems to fit the moment perfectly.

I've also taken on 13-yo (14-yo, tomorrow) at Dover Patrol. I used to play that with my big brother. It was another of my favourites. I remember discovering that Dover was a place, and being rather surprised. I'd thought it was an adjective meaning "strategic" or something similar. For Dover Patrol is a game of great strategy. 13-yo and I play it a little differently to how my brother and I played it, because we have the instructions (amazing what you can find on the internet these days). It's rather a shame, in a way. Not knowing the rules has a certain charm, when you're the admiral of the fleet.

Plus all that wonderful bloggy love, of course. You can't beat that. Thank you all so much. That has helped me feel better about my blog. And Cyber Mummy too. Yes, I'll be going, because I would regret it if I didn't. It seems though, from the comments and from two or three people who've emailed me, that I'm not alone in feeling overwhelmed, or on the fringes, or out of place. So here's a tip that I found worked for me last year. Be intentional. If there are bloggers you want to meet, email them beforehand and say "can we meet over lunch/coffee/tea?" Even just saying "can we look out for each other?" makes it considerably more likely that you'll meet. Otherwise, the day will pass, and you'll go home thinking "I wish I'd met Blogging Mum" or whoever it is. Meanwhile, if you are feeling on the fringes, take heart. You're clearly not alone.

I just have to share one more thing. I dreamed about Rosie Scribble! How weird is that, when you dream about your blogging life? I dreamed that I'd agreed to pick up her daughter, IJ, from school. Meanwhile, somehow I was at the zoo in the city I live in, in America. The road system in our city is very straightforward, being a grid, with main roads going north-south and east-west. There are, however, a few main roads that go diagonally, and confuse everything. Well, they confuse me, at any rate. One of these diagonal roads is Zoo Boulevard (the clue is in the name). In my dream, I couldn't get to IJ's school, because I kept getting lost on Zoo Boulevard. I didn't have the school's phone number, and I was at a loss as to what to do. Time was ticking on, and I was getting increasingly desperate about ever finding the school, and increasingly anxious as to what I was going to tell Rosie later on about why I had failed to pick up IJ.

Do you think it was an anxiety dream about blogging and Cyber Mummy?

This was a post of rather random things, but life is sometimes like that.



  1. Iota.... I think it is a dream about your fear of letting people down and not being able to carry out all that you set out to do. In other words you are human!
    Send my best wishes to anyone (if they know who I am!!) When you meet at the Mummy thingummy!
    I never really wanted to be more than the fringe! Im I weird or what?

    Glad you are enjoying the holiday now you've got over jet lag. It is always worse going East. Going home will be a picnic!
    Maggie X

    Nuts in May

  2. Really excited to meet you at CM and glad you're over the jetlag blues. And good grief, I had completely forgotten about Careers. I LOVED that game as a child. Must go see if I can find it in the shops somewhere so that I can play again. I am feeling much the same at the moment re careers - which is more important, fame, money or happiness? Hoping to find the answer soon.

  3. Never heard of that game. Perhaps it was only a southern thing?
    Anyway, glad you're feeling more cheery.

  4. I never heard of Careers either. But I have just introduced the Littleboys to the joys of Guess Who? which I think I enjoyed more than they did.

    Have fun at Cybermummy. I think by the time I finally get to go, everyone will have moved on- but never mind!

  5. I've just received a phone call from the school to say IJ hadn't been picked up yet!!

    I laughed out loud at that part of your post. Brilliant. So pleased you're feeling better.

    Delighted you'll be at Cybermummy too. At least we have the benefit of having been there last year so we have more of an idea of what to expect. Hope we get more of a chance to catch up this time. I suspect the crowds will be a lit bigger this year, let's not miss each other. Jo Beaufoix is coming too! x

  6. Nothing like a yummy dose of jet lag to get you down. I'm not certain that I was ever very good at grids. I say I miss them, but they offer so little excuse for getting lost. I was always getting lost on the grid. I hope you don't meet an annoyed principal (with a 'pal' because he's your pal) in your dreams tonight.

  7. Have a wonderful time at Cybermummy. One day maybe I will have time to go!
